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  1. 2015年11月7日 · 英文裡的中央氣象局警告山區土石流與可能發生淹水。」怎麼說The Central Weather Bureau is warning of the danger of landslides in the mountains, as well as the possibility of floods. 【解析】

  2. 字神帝國英語天地

  3. 2016年3月5日 · 亞熱帶 Subtropics are regions between Torrid Zone and Temperate Zone.4. temperate [ˋtɛmprɪt] adj. 溫的;溫帶的 ( = tepid zone) In geography, Temperate Zone lies between the tropics and the Polar Regions. The temperatures in these regions are generally relatively moderate, rather than extremely hot or cold, and the changes between ...

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  5. Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Risk Officer positions are often found in banking, insurance, and other financial services companies. 组織機構中最高層的管理人員通常被统稱為C-level,指的是職位以C(chief,首席)開頭,以O(officer,官)結尾的高層們。. 常見的C-level高層有:Chief Executive ...

  6. 2018年6月14日 · 他向一個電視節目爆料稱,他從來沒有給他的妻子送過花。. ㊙️程度輕一些的,也可以用 reveal, 比如: Internet experiments reveal horrible truth about human beings. 網路實驗揭示了關於人類的可怕真相。. ㊙️當然,我們普通人接觸到的,最多就是“小道消息 ...

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