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  1. 有了 Reface,無縫換臉變得輕而易舉。只需在大量的影片或動態圖片(GIF)中選擇任何一段影片或動圖,再選擇要替換的人臉,你便可以「坐享其成」,等待神奇的變化發生。這款出色的深度偽造(deepfake)應用程式是你進行影片換臉的不二之選。

  2. 若你同為教育工作者,更提供你在 #媒體識讀教學技巧實務,幫助學生們在處理資訊時能夠更具深度和 ... 隨著戰爭的演進,俄羅斯同時進行著 #大外宣,甚至大量的虛假帳號透過AI(人工智能)、DeepFake(深偽技術)虛構及變造照片及影片,讓 ...

  3. Deepfake, synthetic media, including images, videos, and audio, generated by artificial intelligence (AI) technology that portray something that does not exist in reality or events that have never occurred. The term deepfake combines deep, taken from AI deep

  4. She spills the beans on all things deepfake and how we can steer clear of these online traps. Listen to this episode and you'll learn: What a deepfake is and why you should care How attackers are using deepfakes to trick us How do spot a deepfake in an image

  5. 網傳「塑料袋千萬不要放冰箱」等各種版本不同、但內容類似的影片,提及塑膠物質會滲透到食物中、直接裝熱食或放進微波爐會產生大量的有害化學物質,甚至有的影片提到有顏色的塑膠袋是用 苯丙芘當著色劑。但專家表示,有塑化劑的是 3 號塑膠 PVC,會用在保鮮膜產品,但塑膠袋的材質多是低 ...

  6. Deepfake detection improves when using algorithms that are more aware of demographic diversity | Nieman Journalism Lab. “Our research addresses deepfake detection algorithms’ fairness, rather than just attempting to balance the data. It offers a new approach to algorithm design that considers demographic fairness as a core aspect.”

  7. AI deepfake videos are becoming easier to make and better in quality. Here's how to recognize them online. You can also compare a known valid picture of the person to the paused video to see if ...

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