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  1. Description. Howard Duhon: "The questioning of authority is ushering in the risk society. Whereas the industrial society was based on the distribution of goods, the risk society is characterized as the distribution of “bads,” or risks. The irony is that science promised to eliminate risks.

  2. Howard Scott: “The Technical Alliance is simply an attempt to organize the technical workers on their jobs instead of organizing them as an academic group outside. In one sense of the word, this may be called the first genuine labor organization in America, for every technician is engaged in strategically important labor and is concerned primarily with the organization, that is, the ...

  3. Ted Howard : "Employees, companies, non-profits, cities, and states are using diverse and innovative strategies to create community wealth. It is wealth that improves the ability of communities and individuals to increase asset ownership, anchor jobs locally, expand the provision of public services, and ensure local economic stability, rather ...

  4. Introduction. This guide covers both. the organizational microscale formats or methods used to govern peer production, FLOSS, and other non-coercive methods of governance; the evolution on a macro-scale towards the dominance of collaborative networks. It is maintained by Michel Bauwens and adheres to Connective Hypothesis, i.e.

  5. 3 Howard Rheingold= 3.1 Harold Jarche 4 Discussion: Cooperation vs. Collaboration 4.1 Additional Reading Definition From the Wikipedia: "Cooperation or co-operation is the process of working or acting together, which can be accomplished by both intentional In ...

  6. Key Articles From the P2P Foundation Class and Capital in Peer Production.Michel Bauwens. Capital & Class 97, Spring 2009 vol. 33 no. 1 121-141 Bauwens, M. (2012) “From the theory of peer production to the production of peer production theory”. Journal of ...

  7. Peer to Peer Theory = an attempt to rethink a strategy for human emancipation and a better society by taking into account the transformative effects of the emergence of distributed networks and the peer to peer relational dynamic, as it expresses itself through peer production, peer governance, and peer property.

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