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  1. The subject of your letter should be simple and straight to the point. A simple, “Your name – Farewell/Moving on/ Goodbye” works perfectly as the subject. Body. The body of your letter should be broken into segments, after addressing the recipient, typically by their first name, “Dear FirstName,”.

  2. Use this sample as the basis for your own ideas and inspirations. In this casual farewell email, we say thanks for everything and provide a basic structure for you to share your memories, and messages for the future. Hey guys, Today is (if you didn’t already know) my last day. Hooray (for me, at least).

  3. 現今職場流動性越來越高,已不像早期一份工作打天下,一做就做到退休的年代,現在換工作可能比換情人來得快,因此如何寫好一封離職信也是大家必學的課題。離職信(resignation letter)的對象是公司,必須以正式且專業的語言和格式去撰寫,而今天Funday小編要介紹的是寫給同事的離職道別信 ...

  4. 離職信(resignation letter)的對象是公司,必須以正式且專業的語言和格式去撰寫,而今天Funday小編要介紹的是寫給同事的離職道別信(farewell letter),讓你在同事心中留下良好印象,並可拓展人際網絡。. 離職道別信可包含以下幾個部分:. Say you are leaving and when ...

  5. 2024年2月21日 · Farewell letter templates If you decide to send your letter through email, here are three versions of farewell email letters to provide a starting point for writing your personalised email to your colleagues. Feel free to add any specific messages that are important and ...

  6. Now I would like to say goodbye and thank you for all of your help, cooperation and kindness you provided me during these years. I wish you joy and happiness in your job and daily life as well, as it doesn't go otherwise! Best regards, Tim. Example 4. Dear All, As 15 of January, I will leave xxx after 8 years.

  7. 2017年9月4日 · 唔少打工仔離職時都花好多心思去預備「散水餅」俾同事,但其實寫一封得體嘅Farewell letter(離職道別信)同樣重要! 正所謂「好來好去」,跟住以下嘅Farewell Letter(離職道別信)四部曲嚟寫,就唔駛諗爆頭喇!

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