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  1. 2024年5月11日 · Farewell letter and email examples to say goodbye to co-workers, tips for the best way to say goodbye, and how to keep in touch with colleagues.

    • 5 Messages to A Colleague When You're Leaving The Company
    • 10 Messages to A Group When You're Leaving The Company
    • 10 Messages to Coworkers When You're Retiring
    • 5 Messages to A Departing Coworker
    • 6 Messages to A Departing Supervisor, Mentor Or Boss
    • 10 Messages to A Retiring Coworker
    "You have been a strong influence on my professional career. Your work ethic inspires me to be my best every day. I look forward to keeping in touch, and let me know if you need anything!"
    "I loved working with you each day! I hope our friendship continues in the future!"
    "Thank you for being a great coworker and teammate. I’ll miss working with you and wish you continued success in your career."
    "You've been a great teacher since I've been on this team. I hope you continue to educate employees the way you have with me. You're the best, and I'll be sure to stay in touch."
    "I appreciate the opportunity I had here to grow in my career and be a part of the team. I'll never forget the experiences I had working here!
    "I'm ready to start the next stage of my career, but I thank you all for giving me the skills and the courage to be the best I can be. Farewell!"
    "I'll miss the support I've received from the entire team throughout my time at [company]. You'll all be missed. Good luck!"
    "I look forward to staying connected and hearing updates about the team's achievements. Wishing you all great success!"
    "Thank you all for making this company a great place to work."
    "I'm proud of the work I've done here with you. This company makes a difference in people's lives. I can't wait to watch as you continue this important work."
    "Work doesn't feel like work when you love what you do every day. Thank you for making this office a happy place for me to show up these past two decades."
    "Thanks for always making me feel like an important part of the team."
    "Congratulations on your new job. Wishing you all the best."
    "I've learned a lot from working with you over the years. Warmest congratulations to you and best wishes for the future!"
    "Your new team is lucky to have you on board. Wishing you great success in your new role."
    "I am so excited about this new opportunity for you! Please keep in touch and let me know more about your new role."
    "Thank you for training me to take over your new position. I'll aim to uphold the work ethic you brought into this role. I appreciate you motivating me to be the best employee I can be."
    "It was a pleasure to learn from you. Your managerial skills have helped me be the person and employee I am today. I wish you great success in your next position. Farewell."
    "Thank you for the support and encouragement during your tenure with the organization. Your presence will continue to have an impact on me moving forward. Good luck!"
    "Your leadership and presence will be missed. I wish you great success in your next role."
    "It's always difficult to say goodbye to a loyal friend and coworker. You will be greatly missed, and I wish you much happiness in retirement."
    "You were the heart of this team. May you have a happy and healthy retirement ahead."
    "Having the privilege of working with you is the highlight of my professional career. Wishing you the best of luck during retirement."
    "Thanks for all the advice you've given me over the years. It will be difficult to fill your shoes here. I'm going to miss you!"
  2. Saying goodbye to a coworker can be a bittersweet moment. Whether they’re moving on to new opportunities, retiring after years of dedicated service, or simply embarking on a different path, a thoughtful farewell message can leave a lasting impression.

    • Priya Jain
  3. 2024年2月21日 · If you decide to send your letter through email, here are three versions of farewell email letters to provide a starting point for writing your personalised email to your colleagues. Feel free to add any specific messages that are important and relevant to your situation.

  4. 2024年2月20日 · 1. 事前先向僱主確認已通知其他同事. 向同事送出您的電郵之前,最好事先向僱主確認,他是否已通知相關同事您 離職的計劃 。 在僱主仍未向外宣佈您將即將離職的消息之前,最好不要發送farewell email。 直至您確認同事已經知悉,才發電郵,做法會更恰當。 否則,可能會令部份同事感到不明所以,惹來不必要猜測。 2. 應該在什麼時候與團隊談及離職一事? 一旦獲得僱主或上司確認離職的日期,您就可以通知您的團隊了。 一般來說,公司需要安排交接,讓新同事接替您的職務,所以盡量不要在最後一天才通知團隊成員。 此外,有些同事可能會因為您遲遲不告知他們,而認為您不夠信任他們,結果產生負面情緒。 相反,向太多人宣布離職的消息,又可能會打擊士氣,若本身公司流失率高,更可能會惹來僱主不滿。

  5. 2022年5月4日 · A farewell email is not only a way to acknowledge and thank your team before you go, but it is a best practice that most people send around their last day of work. Share what you valued or...

  6. There you have it—all the goodbye email templates you need to say one last goodbye to everyone from your work BFF to your clients. Add your personal details, hit that “send” button, and you’ll not only leave your job, but you’ll also leave a lasting, positive impression.