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  1. 2023年11月16日 · Recent debate has raised several objections to the notion of Free Digital Labor. Our aim is to clarify the terms of the debate and to revive the relevance of the notion of Free Digital Labor through a historical and theoretical analysis of the transformations of the relationship between capital and labor."

  2. Focusing on the U.S. Federal Reserve System (“the Fed”), the Article outlines a series of structural reforms that would radically redefine the role of a central bank as the ultimate public platform for generating, modulating, and allocating financial resources in a democratic economy—the People’s Ledger.

  3. 2024年1月6日 · The platform reserve army is the stagnant reserve army of contemporary digital capitalism, which brings challenges to labor control.

    • Contextual Citation
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    "Enspiral is no ordinary environment to have a leadership position in. We are collaboratively prototyping a system of work designed to enable people to focus their energies on what is most meaningful to them and in line with this we have a pretty un-traditional org structure. Enspiral is strictly non-hierarchical which means that leadership positio...

    1. "Enspiral is a network of professionals and companies on a mission to make the world a better place. We emphasize empowerment, collaboration, and innovation. One by one, we are disrupting every core organizational process. Then we open-source our solutions and create apps so others can do the same. This is the story of collaborative funding." 2....

    Alanna Krause : "Anyone at Enspiral, regardless of if they have contributed funds, can start a “bucket” – a proposal to do work for Enspiral that requires funding. They write up a proposal making their case for why the work they want to do will benefit everyone, help Enspiral achieve its strategic goals, further the social mission, and why they, the proposer, are the right person to deliver the project. This process was, from day one, explicitly an experiement. Everyone understood it wouldn’t...

    Alanna Krause: "By late 2012, the Support Crew was exhausted. All five of us have been running ourselves ragged trying to solve all the problems of a complex, unruly beast called Enspiral. This was never how it was supposed to be. The idea was that, as a collective, everyone would share coordination responsibilities, and we wouldn’t centralize mana...

    Discussion: What is the relation between Enspiral Foundation and Enspiral Services ?

    By Derek Razo et al.: "Derek: There is a thought that I started that I didn't end up finishing which was about the relationship between Enspiral Foundation and Services. With a bunch of these types of organizations, it seems to be that what often will happen is a big grant will come into Enspiral Foundation. We will have a community decision on how to spend it. People will make proposals. It will iterate towards some sort of consensus. Usually what actually happens is nobody puts in the work,...

    2015: Governance crisis and refactor process

    Alanna Krause: "By the end of 2015, many felt Enspiral was at a crisis point. Enspiral was not self-organising to create the new processes and systems it needs for further self-organisation and growth. A ‘step change’ was needed. 1. Our Members were overloaded with venture work, and too few were actively initiating projects to improve the Enspiral commons. 1. Our first Catalyst programme had generated a lot of good learning, but it needed a redesign and wasn’t able to self-sustain without fur...

    "Enspiral is a very organic community, which grows with no predefined rules, with members joining and free to leave, all bringing a lot to the community. Joshua Vial mentioned 3 main characteristics of the community, established as a limited liability company, which has a clause in the constitution that mandates 100% of the surplus to be spent on i...

  4. 2023年5月29日 · A Resource Balanced Economy is that of a system where gross industrial output and gross domestic product, is mainly derived from natural resources, but is limited in scope and action by exergy thermodynamics. The objective metrics of this RBE converge around long term sustainability of all stakeholders.

  5. This talk, which is based on my new book China and the Wireless Undertow: Media and Wave Philosophy (Technicities: Edinburgh University Press. 2023), explores not just a change in the future, but rather a shift in the notion of the future as such.

  6. 2023年8月22日 · Katharina Pistor: "This Article explores data as a source and, in their processed variant, as a means of governance that will likely replace both markets and the law. Discussing data not as an object of transactions or an object of governance, but as a tool for governing others on a scale that rivals that of nation states with their law."

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