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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典

    ph. 片語

    • 1. 感到厭煩的;忍無可忍 She was fed up with her do-nothing sons. 對她那些遊手好閒的兒子,她已經是忍無可忍了。

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  2. bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long. 厭倦的;厭煩的;失望的. I'm fed up with my job. 我厭倦了我的工作。 He got fed up with all the travelling he had to do. 他煩透了他無法避免的各種旅行。 减少例句. I'm fed up with cleaning up after you all the time. Residents are fed up with the disturbance caused by the nightclub.

  3. informal uk / ˌfed ˈʌp / us / ˌfed ˈʌp / Add to word list. B2. bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long. 厌倦的;厌烦的;失望的. I'm fed up with my job. 我厌倦了我的工作。 He got fed up with all the travelling he had to do. 他烦透了他无法避免的各种旅行。 减少例句. I'm fed up with cleaning up after you all the time.

  4. adjective. infml us / ˈfed ˈʌp / Add to word list. annoyed or disgusted by something that you have experienced for too long: I’m just fed up with his excuses for not getting his work done. (fed up在劍橋學術詞典中的解釋 © Cambridge University Press) fed up的發音是什麼? B2. fed up 的翻譯. 中文(繁體) 厭倦的, 厭煩的, 失望的… 查看更多內容. 中文(簡體) 厌倦的, 厌烦的, 失望的… 查看更多內容. 西班牙語.

  5. 2019年5月21日 · 搭配 「fed up with something or someone」 用來表示對一件事或一個人感到厭倦的、厭煩的,或是不高興的、失望的。 人們通常在長時間忍受這件事或人,但最終失去耐心或感到氣餒時使用這個表達。 例句. He’s been working on this project for months and it’s still not over! He’s so fed up. 他已經一連幾個月在做這個項目了,還沒結束呢! 他感覺煩透了。 I’m fed up with your excuses! You never do what you say you’re going to do. I clearly can’t rely on you any more.

  6. 英語釋義. having a strong distaste from surfeit; "grew more and more disgusted" " fed up with their complaints" "sick of it all" "sick to death of flattery" "gossip that makes one sick" "tired of the noise and smoke" 相似詞. bored 使厭煩(bore的過去式);煩擾. 相反詞. absorbed 吸收;使全神貫注(absorb的過去分詞形式) engaged 吸引住;雇用;參加;(機器)接合;與(敵人)開戰;保證;約定;同……訂婚(engage 的過去式和過去分詞)

  7. fed up - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果. 依語言. 英漢. 英英. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. fed up. 美式. ph. 感到厭煩的;忍無可忍. 釋義. 相關詞. ph. 片語. 1. 感到厭煩的;忍無可忍 She was fed up with her do-nothing sons. 對她那些遊手好閒的兒子,她已經是忍無可忍了。 I was fed up...

  8. 2022年4月24日 · 有人跟你說”I’m fed up”,他是說他被餵飽了嗎? “ Fed ” 是 “ Feed ” 的過去式 (Past tense)和過去分詞 (Past participle),”Feed” 用作動詞 (Verb)的時候是指餵食、提供的意思。. 可是,”I’m fed up” 並不是已經被餵飽的意思,而是「我受夠了」的意思喔 ...

  9. 字典 句子 语法 英语词库. fed up 的简体中文 翻译. ( informal) 形容词. to be fed up 厌倦 [yànjuàn] Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. Video: pronunciation of. fed up. 包括 的例句. fed up. Example sentences from the Collins Corpus. 这些示例已被自动选择并可能包含敏感内容。 We welcome feedback: report an example sentence to the Collins team. 阅读更多…

  10. fed up ( inf) adj to be fed up 厌 (厭)倦 yànjuàn. 在这些条目还发现'fed up': 在英文解释里: have had enough of. 中文: 厌倦. 标题中含有单词 'fed up' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“fed up”的讨论. ... fed to the teeth. / up to the gills - English Only forum. Are you fed up/Do you fed up - English Only forum. Can 'FED UP WITH' be used to say about food? - English Only forum.

  11. 2022年5月14日 · Fed Up的意思. 精選影片. 片語俚語. 專欄教學. ICRT. 翰林. 生活會話 Life Conversation. 收藏. 「厭煩、忍無可忍、受夠了」- Fed Up. 分享給好友: 觀看次數:6727 • 2022-05-14. Milo - The argument | Cartoon for kids. Copy link. Watch on. 怎麼使用希平方片語? I'm fed up! You hear? 我受夠了! 你聽到沒? 觀賞完整影片. 分享至FB. 複習之前學過的片語. Kiss And Make Up A Matter Of Pass On Use Something To One's Advantage. 造句練習. 推薦影片.

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