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  1. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit." —The inscription on Frostmourne's pedestal. Frostmourne was the runeblade that Ner'zhul, the Lich King, thrust from the Frozen Throne, intending that Arthas Menethil — his unwitting potential host — would discover it on the continent of Northrend.

  2. Frostmourne was the final battle between Prince Arthas Menethil and the dreadlord, Mal'Ganis. It was the climax of Arthas' pursuit of the dreadlord in his quest for vengeance against Mal'Ganis' acts against the people of Lordaeron.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. World of Warcraft. Frostmourne, named after the sword which corrupted Arthas, is an Oceanic realm that was also the first Oceanic PVP Realm to be opened in on 22 October 2005. It is filled with a number of excellent guilds and players who have made a name for themselves and Frostmourne in both PvP and PvE combat...

  5. World of Warcraft. Frostmourne Cavern [73, 23] was the cave that held the runeblade Frostmourne prior to being claimed by Arthas Menethil. The cave itself was not named until fairly recently, when the Scarlet Onslaught arrived in Northrend and found the cavern.

  6. You must return to Frostmourne Cavern and recover Light's Vengeance, Arthas ' discarded hammer. Reforged with saronite and etched with the acidic blood of the Lich King 's abominations, it will provide the foundation for our work. Rewards [] You will receive: 31

  7. Zelig the Visionary at Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight wants you to use [Zelig's Scrying Orb] at the bottom of Frostmourne Cavern. Unlock the secrets of the past! Secrets of the Past Revealed Provided Item: [Zelig's Scrying Orb] They have labeled the cave as Frostmourne Cavern. Why the...

  8. Blades of the Fallen Prince. Frost death knights bend the will of Frostmournes shattered remnants to their cold-hearted needs. Known as [Icebringer] and [Frostreaper], these dual devices of death are waiting to be infused with even greater power.