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  1. 喬治·佩里·佛洛伊德George Perry Floyd ),46歲, 黑人 [5] ,生於 北卡羅來納州 費耶特維爾 ,2歲父母離異並跟隨母親生活,後來他母親認識未婚夫,之後結婚,脫離貧苦的生活。 佛洛伊德生前5次因毒品、搶劫入獄,死時身上搜出假鈔,有一連串的犯罪紀錄,驗屍報告還驗出毒品反應。 其中最嚴重的是2007年佛洛伊德曾涉及持槍搶案,並拿槍指著非裔孕婦的肚子。 [11] 。 曾以多項目運動員身份就讀於 耶茨高中 (英語:Yates High School) ,1993年畢業 [12] 。 佛洛伊德在德克薩斯長大時結識了職業籃球運動員 史蒂芬·傑克森 並成為密友 [13] 。 2009年,佛洛伊德因持械搶行在德州監獄服刑5年 [來源請求] 。

  2. 2020年5月31日 · The Times has reconstructed the death of George Floyd on May 25. Security footage, witness videos and official documents show how a series of actions by officers turned fatal.

  3. 2020年7月15日 · George Floyd, 46, died after being arrested by police outside a shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Footage of the arrest on 25 May shows a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on Mr...

  4. 2021年4月20日 · The jury's decision means police will now be under increased scrutiny, say legal experts, and are more likely to be prosecuted, and convicted, for wrongdoing. The verdict could usher in a kind of...

  5. 2020年6月4日 · What happened to Mr Floyd? George Floyd, 46, was stopped by police investigating the purchase of cigarettes with counterfeit money on 25 May in Minneapolis.

  6. 2021年6月25日 · The US white ex-police officer convicted of murdering African-American man George Floyd in Minneapolis in May 2020 has been sentenced to 22 years and six months in jail. The judge said Derek...

  7. 2020年6月1日 · The death of George Floyd, which triggered widespread protests across the US, has been declared a homicide in an official post-mortem examination. The 46-year-old suffered a cardiac arrest...

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