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  1. iPad 相關

  2. iPad mini、iPad 10.2 吋、iPad Pro 及 全新 iPad Air. 立即選購。 iPadOS 15。做事輕鬆,更做得揮灑自如。免額外付費鐫刻服務,只在 Apple 提供。


  1. 22 小時前 · iPad可以射飛彈!. 美官員透露烏軍用「平板」控制西方武器. 烏軍影片中「平板」的出現,以及美國軍備採購與後勤副部長LaPlante在日前訪談中所透露的內容,似乎證實了,烏軍使用美國提供的「ipad或平板裝置」來控制飛機上的部份系統,當中可能包括武器系統 ...

  2. 22 小時前 · 苹果将于5月7日发布新款ipad,将搭载m3芯片,oled屏幕,同时新的妙控键盘,手写笔也将同步上架。作为一个近10年的ipad重度生产力用户,我对ipad 生产力存在的问题感触颇深。希望能对想入手ipad ,特别是ipad pro 作为生产力工具的用户一点帮助。看完以后再买不后悔!, 视频播放量 286、弹幕量 0、点赞 ...

    • 6 分鐘
    • 101
    • 27电研社
  3. 22 小時前 · 蘋果將於5月7日發表新iPad,而據傳,Google也打算在下月「重新推出」Pixel Tablet平板,並且首度提供專屬的手寫筆和藍牙鍵盤,這項消息現在已經獲得 ...

  4. 22 小時前 · On May 7th, Apple is expected to announce an iPad Pro with an OLED display, as previously reported by . The new screen will offer deeper blacks, better viewing angles and contrast, and will be more energy efficient compared to its predecessor. The refreshed iPad Pro line is also expected to feature the fastest Apple chip, the M3, and come in ...

  5. 22 小時前 · While previous rumours of the larger 12.9in iPad Air refresh did appear to be based in truth (with multiple supply chain sources confirming the upgrade), this latest update strongly suggests that there’ll be no Mini-LED-toting iPad Air in the next generation update. There may be a sliver of good news though. Young also added that there might ...

  6. 7 小時前 · The rumored iPad will rest between the iPad Air and the iPad Pro lineup, considering it comes with an upgraded display. The mysterious model is expected to launch by the end of this year after the ...

  7. 22 小時前 · 近日苹果正式宣布将在北京时间5月7日晚上10点举办主题为放飞吧特别活动。虽然按照惯例苹果并没说要发布什么,但从宣传海报以及15秒预热视频不难看出,苹果将在活动中推出新一代的ApplePencil以及全新iPadPro、iPad等。

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