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  1. 2023年7月28日 · 腸躁症候群 (Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS,又稱為大腸激躁症),是 消化系統 常見的疾病。. 這是因為腸道功能異常,造成大腸的蠕動不正常。. 一般而言,食物在消化道裡從小腸離開後,會進入結腸,結腸會吸收食物裡剩下的所有水分,並且壓縮成糞便後,再往前 ...

    • Overview
    • Symptoms
    • Causes
    • Risk Factors
    • Complications

    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the stomach and intestines, also called the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. IBSis a chronic condition that you'll need to manage long term. Only a small number of people with IBShave severe sympto...

    Symptoms of IBSvary but are usually present for a long time. The most common include: 1. Abdominal pain, cramping or bloating that is related to passing a bowel movement 2. Changes in appearance of bowel movement 3. Changes in how often you are having a bowel movement Other symptoms that are often related include sensation of incomplete evacuation ...

    The exact cause of IBSisn't known. Factors that appear to play a role include: 1. Muscle contractions in the intestine.The walls of the intestines are lined with layers of muscle that contract as they move food through your digestive tract. Contractions that are stronger and last longer than usual can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea. Weak contract...

    Many people have occasional symptoms of IBS. But you're more likely to have the syndrome if you: 1. Are young. IBSoccurs more frequently in people under age 50. 2. Are female. In the United States, IBS is more common among women. Estrogen therapy before or after menopause also is a risk factor for IBS. 3. Have a family history of IBS.Genes may play...

    Chronic constipation or diarrhea can cause hemorrhoids. In addition, IBSis associated with: 1. Poor quality of life. Many people with moderate to severe IBS report poor quality of life. Research indicates that people with IBSmiss three times as many days from work as do those without bowel symptoms. 2. Mood disorders. Experiencing the symptoms of I...

  2. 大腸激躁症 (英語: Irritable bowel syndrome ),又稱為 大腸躁鬱症 、 腸躁症 、 躁性大腸症候群 、 腸易激綜合症 、 腸道激躁症 ,是一種無 腸胃道 器質性病變 卻發生慢性腸胃道功能性障礙的疾病,常以 腹痛 、 排便 型態改變、解便時感覺未排乾淨等症狀表現 ...

  3. 2020年3月20日 · 2020-03-20. 張貼單位. **內科部. 內 容. 一、前言. 腸激躁症(irritable bowel syndrome)為最常見的功能性胃腸疾病。. 功能性胃腸疾病是指一群會反覆發作,卻無法以解剖、結構上的病變和生化檢查異常來解釋的胃腸病症。. )估計約有百分之十五至二十的 ...

  4. 2022年8月8日 · 腸躁症(irritable bowel syndrome, IBS)是一種慢性消化系統功能失調疾病,依據患者的症狀區分為腹瀉型(IBS-D)、便秘型(IBS-C)和混和型(IBS-M)。 患者可能會經歷頻繁的腹痛、腹瀉、便秘或脹氣等症狀 (1) 。

  5. 大腸激躁症 (英語: Irritable bowel syndrome ),又稱為 大腸躁鬱症 、 腸躁症 、 躁性大腸症候群 、 肠易激综合症 、 腸道激躁症 ,是一種無 腸胃道 器質性病變 卻發生慢性腸胃道功能性障礙的疾病,常以 腹痛 、 排便 型態改變、解便時感覺未排乾淨等症 ...

  6. 腸易激綜合症亦稱大腸易激症大腸躁鬱症躁性大腸症候群腸道激躁症或一般人稱腸敏感」,英文Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)),是一種無腸胃道器質性病變卻發生慢性腸胃道功能性障礙的疾病,常以腹痛、排便型態改變、解便時感覺未排乾淨等症狀表現。.

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