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  1. 2024年6月20日 · 4 min read. Cell phones can make life easier in many ways. But you may worry that using a cell phone can raise your risk of cancer. Scientists have been studying this question since more and more...

  2. 2023年8月28日 · Ways Your Smartphone Can Wreck Your Health. Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on August 28, 2023. 1/15. Germs. Your cellphone probably goes with you everywhere. Ever check it while you were --...

  3. 2024年2月13日 · What Is Computer Vision Syndrome? Medically Reviewed by Whitney Seltman, OD on February 13, 2024. Written by Stephanie Watson. How Do Computers Affect Vision? What Are the Symptoms? How Is It...

  4. › covid › how-does-telemedicine-workWhat Is Telemedicine? - WebMD

    2023年11月14日 · What Is Telemedicine? Telemedicine is a general term that covers all of the ways you and your doctor can use technology to communicate without being in the same room. It can include: Phone calls or...

    • Overview
    • Eye Fatigue
    • Symptoms
    • Screen & Environment
    • Habits
    • Routine

    This article is about eye fatigue, a common condition that can be caused by intense eye use and digital devices. It provides information on the symptoms of eye fatigue, how to prevent it, and what to do if the problem persists.

    Anything that requires intense eye use can cause fatigue, such as reading, writing and driving. Digital devices may also be linked to eye fatigue because you tend to blink less often when looking at a computer screen.

    Sore or irritated eyes, trouble focusing, dry or watery eyes, blurred or double vision and increased sensitivity to light are some symptoms of eye fatigue. Lack of sleep may lead to repeated eye irritation.

    Place your computer screen 20-26 inches away from your eyes and a little below eye level; regularly clean off dust and fingerprints from the surface; choose screens that tilt and swivel; use a glare filter for your screen; change lighting to get rid of glare and harsh reflections; use an adjustable chair; place a document holder next to your comput...

    Try the 20-20-20 rule every 20 minutes by looking at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds ; post a note "Blink" on your computer as reminder ; take regular breaks from computer work .

    Apply warm washcloth soaked in warm water on tired dry eyes (keep closed) ; use artificial tears when they feel dry ; help prevent dry eyes while indoors by using air cleaner filtering dust & humidifier adding moisture .

  5. 2022年8月30日 · Salt -- and worry, and anger -- aren't the only things that can raise your blood pressure. Although temporary "spikes" aren't necessarily a problem, numbers that remain high over time can cause ...

  6. 2021年4月15日 · The phrase “left and right brain” refers to the anatomical halves, or hemispheres, of your brain. It’s popularly believed that the left and right hemispheres are distinct, controlling ...

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