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  1. 2019年8月24日 · Enspiral Website - lots of good stuff in every section, links to articles and video content, etc. Enspiral Blog (on Medium) is regularly updated Open Enspiral - a series of short video presentations from different Enspiral Ventures, which we did as part of the Open Source // Open Society conference (which I organised earlier this year) - good way to get a sense of the people and diversity of ...

  2. 2015年1月19日 · "NoiseTube is an application that transforms your smartphone into an acoustic detector to measure noise pollution in a precise place and at a right time. Using NoiseTube you will be able to detect the noise of your street, block or city. Are you tired of not being able to open the windows in the summer because of the constant noise?

  3. Definition. 1. " [A]n open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to- use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments . . . It’s an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a ...

  4. Produsage, and, is an idea whose time has come. It builds on a simple, yet fundamental proposition: the proposition that to describe the creative, collaborative, and ad hoc engagement with content for which user-led spaces such as the Wikipedia act as examples, the term production is no longer accurate.

  5. Our desire for recognition fuels our performance. Now the more powerful each of the above elements is, the more Crowd Accelerated Innovation you get. Think of each element as a dial on a giant flywheel. Turn any of the dials clockwise and the wheel speeds up—and online video has cranked up all three dials."

  6. 2024年5月23日 · Michel Bauwens is the founder and director of the P2P Foundation and works in collaboration with a global group of researchers in the exploration of peer production and commons-centric economics. Michel was also a founding member of the Commons Strategies Group. He has (co-)published various books and reports, such as ‘Network Society and ...

  7. 2023年9月8日 · Natalie has also taught courses in social informatics and computing, information management, information organization, and information sources and searching. Prior to joining Nanyang Technological University she has also worked in The Gallup Organisation, where she was involved with Gallup’s research in behavioural economics and The Gallup ...

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