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  1. 本频道所有视频均为原创作品,严禁转载。如有侵权,将追究其责任 更多精彩影片JR Smith瘋癲人生! ...

    • 9 分鐘
    • 159.1K
    • 球哥说
  2. Kobe U has an all-new website 2024.03.19 Concerning inappropriate behavior by students of the university 2024.03.18 Visits Visit from Dalian University, China 2024.03.08 On the passing of IOKIBE Makoto, professor emeritus of Kobe University Find out more ...

  3. 2023年8月24日 · Congratulations, youve found the best Kobe Bryant career highlight video on youtube! Comment below which highlight was your favoriteWelcome to the BEST NBA H...

    • 10 分鐘
    • 761.7K
    • MaxaMillion711
  4. 2020年1月31日 · Kobe Bryant 自1996 年起踏入 NBA 殿堂,當時的他只有只有 17 歲。1996 年後半加入湖人隊後,便展開他為期 20 年的湖人傳奇。面對逆境,Kobe從不屈服,持續朝著最熱愛的籃球事業前進。在世界痛失這位傳奇球星的時刻,回憶以下25句Kobe曾說過的熱血名言,我們都能從中學習他追求夢想與成就事業的不懈 ...

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  7. › basketball › kobe-adKobe A.D..

    As a player, Kobe relied on a series of quick cuts, lateral movements and countermoves to catch defenders off-guard. The Kobe A.D. is meticulously designed to match the rapid acceleration he used to break down the game. “In the forefoot, there are micro-grooves that go all the way through,” says Grosso. “They allow your feet to splay, so ...

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