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  1. 2017年6月26日 · Matrix defines the standard, and provides open source reference implementations of Matrix-compatible Servers, Clients, Client SDKs and Application Services to help you create new communication solutions or extend the capabilities and reach of existing ones.

  2. 2008年1月18日 · The basis for much of our work is the Chord distributed hash lookup primitive. Chord is completely decentralized and symmetric, and can find data using only log (N) messages, where N is the number of nodes in the system. Chord's lookup mechanism is provably robust in the face of frequent node failures and re-joins.

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    DGML describes the processes through which design is developed, shared and improved as a global digital commons, whereas the actual manufacturing takes place locally through shared infrastructures with local biophysical conditions in mind

    Sustainability Science

    A reconceptualisation of technology, as a vital component of modern society cutting across all its other aspects, is required to achieve social and environmental sustainability. This paper presents a convivial technology development framework using the concept of “cosmolocal” production. The latter captures the dynamic of dispersed technology initiatives, which exhibit conceptualisations of living, working and making around the commons. It is a structural framework for organising production b...


    The aim is to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on post-capitalist construction by exploring the contours of a commons-oriented productive model. On the basis of this model called “design global, manufacture local”, we argue that recent techno-economic developments around the emergence of commons-based peer production and local manufacturing technologies, may signal new alternative paths of social organization. We conclude by arguing that all commons-oriented narratives could converge, there...

    Journal of Cleaner Production

    The emerging discussion about the sustainability potential of distributed production is the starting point for this paper. The focus is on the “design global, manufacture local” model. This model builds on the conjunction of the digital commons of knowledge and design with desktop and benchtop manufacturing technologies (from three-dimensional printers and laser cutters to low-tech tools and crafts). Two case studies are presented to illustrate three interlocked practices of this model for de...


    Hereyou find a list of cases that exemplify a "design global, manufacture local" model.

  3. A gongban can be used by a variety of different companies, who either incorporate it in their products directly or build atop it as they please via modifications. ATU develops 130 gongbans annually in areas ranging from smart phones, tablets, smart watches, smart homes, and industrial controls—and distributes the designs for free.

  4. A finite game is resolved within the context of its rules, with a winner of the contest being declared and receiving a victory. The rules exist to ensure the game is finite. Examples are debates, sports, receiving a degree from an educational institution, culture, language, or war.

  5. 1 Definition. 1.1 Description. 1.2 Discussion. 1.3 Innovative P2P Aspects of Freenet. 1.4 More Information. 1.5 See Also. Definition. From the Wikipedia: "Freenet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant ommunication. It uses a decentralized distributed data store and a suite of free software." ( )

  6. 2024年1月6日 · The platform-rental company alliance has effectively trapped a significant share of drivers to maintain an adequate and stable labor supply. Given their capacity to manipulate and restructure the reserve army, platforms have capitalized on the state's regulations to strengthen their control over labor." Categories: China. Labor. Policy. Articles.