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  1. The Viconian cycle consists of three recurring phases: (1) The Theocratic or Divine Age, represented in primitive society by the family life of the cave, to which the thunderous voice of God has driven mankind; (2) The Aristocratic or Heroic Age, characterized by incessant conflict between the ruling patricians and their subject plebeians; (3 ...

    • Introduction
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    By George Dafermos: "The concept of the Partner State took on a central importance in the work of the theoristsaffiliated with the P2PF in the last decade. Initially, it was incorporated into theirdiscourse as a strategic proposal for building commons-friendly institutions at statelevel. But as institutions of this type did not yet exist, the conce...

    Barcelona en Comú and the Bologna Regulation

    George Dafermos: "The meteoric rise of new municipalist movements and citizen platforms in the mid2010s like Barcelona en Comú drew the attention of P2PF theorists, who did not takelong to start theorizing them as examples of a ‘partner state approach’ (Bauwens et al.2019: 59-64). What, in their view, sets these ‘citizen platforms’ apart from conventionalpolitical parties is the emphasis of their political vision on the commons, as well as thefact that their programs push for ‘openness and de...


    George Dafermos: "The second example, which serves as ‘a paradigmatic case for developing newinstitutional processes for public-commons partnerships,’ comes from the region ofEmilia-Romagna in Italy and, in specific, from the city of Bologna (Bauwens et al.2019: 61-62).16 As we mentioned in section 5.4, in the context of the FLOK policyproposals, the partnership model between cooperatives and the local government ofEmilia-Romagna was theorized as a real-world manifestation of the Partner Stat...

    M. Bauwens & V. Kostakis' 2014 book (last chapter of the part three discusses the partner state approach) as well as 2014 article: 1. Towards a new reconfiguration among the state, civil society and the market 2. David Ronfeld on the Partner State concept by M...

  2. Kohlberg’s theory, though extremely influential, was based on research that used only boys as subjects. In the 1980s the theory was criticized by the American psychologist Carol Gilligan for universalizing patterns of moral development exhibited by boys and ignoring the distinct patterns characteristic of girls."

  3. Three decades earlier every member of the Princeton team was a prep school boy. There was a one-or-two generation interregnum where the new meritocrats silently battled the old WASP aristocracy. This wasn’t a political or economic battle; as a war to occupy the highest position in the class hierarchy, it could only be won through cultural prestige.

  4. OneSwarm is a new peer-to-peer tool that provides users with explicit control over their privacy by letting them determine how data is shared. Instead of sharing data indiscriminately, data shared with OneSwarm can be made public, it can be shared with friends, shared with some friends but not others, and so forth.

  5. Key Articles From the P2P Foundation Class and Capital in Peer Production.Michel Bauwens. Capital & Class 97, Spring 2009 vol. 33 no. 1 121-141 Bauwens, M. (2012) “From the theory of peer production to the production of peer production theory”. Journal of ...

  6. 2011年6月20日 · 1. Isaac Mao: "Sharism (分享主义 in Chinese) is about sharing, for sure. It means a tendency of sharing your works (everything) to be used by your social network (or public domain), but still keep your right and property based on your consensus. It's really not strange concept especiall after blogging and web 2.0 stuffsemerged for years.

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