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  1. visit的同義詞有:sojourn, inflict, bring down, impose, ..., 點擊查看哪些詞匯有和visit相同或相近的詞義 visit 中文翻譯: vt. 1.拜訪,訪問,探望,問候;(作客)暫住;去…游覽,參觀;常常去,常常出入。 2.視察,調查,巡視;去(某處)檢查;出診。3.(疾病、災害等)侵襲;降臨。

  2. pond造句和"pond"的例句: 1. Jerry was a big fish in a little pond .杰里是小池塘里的一條大魚。. 2. Do you know there is a pond in the new park ?你知道新公園有個池塘嗎?.

  3. 造句. An enticing smell came from the bakery . 從面包房里飄出了誘人的香味。. I must go to the bakery and pick up some rolls and cake . 我必須到面包店買些面包和蛋糕。. Miss martha meacham kept the little bakery on the corner . 瑪莎麥克姆小姐在街道的拐角處開著一個小面包鋪。. You'd better get ...

  4. Listen to the jabber of those monkeys . 你聽那群猴子唧唧喳喳的叫聲。I told him not to go , but he just would n't listen.可他偏偏不聽。Her color came and went as she listened.她一面聽一面臉色忽紅忽白。She had no idea whether anybody was listening.她不知有

  5. 接受獎學金的資格. 榮譽獎學金. 學識;獎學金. 學問, 學術成就, 獎學金. "a closed scholarship" 中文翻譯 : 限于部分人的獎學金. "accessible scholarship" 中文翻譯 : 沒有什么問題意識第一類作品可稱為學術普及. "applying scholarship" 中文翻譯 : 申請獎學金. "athletic scholarship ...

  6. 貨架的法語:étalageétalage 貨架的日語:しょうひんだな商 品 棚 貨架的俄語:pinyin:huòjiàстеллаж, полка для товаров 貨架什麽意思:陳列、存放貨物的架子。 歐陽山 《高干大》第一章: “欄柜后面一平排放著三個貨架。” 《新華文摘》1981年第12期: “活潑潑的圓眼睛在貨架上尋找著 ...

  7. be on visiting terms with = have a visiting acquaintance with 和…常互相訪問,和…關系密切。. "visiting book" 中文翻譯 : 來賓留名簿。. "visiting card" 中文翻譯 : 名片。. "visiting day" 中文翻譯 : 會客日,接見來客日。. "visiting fireman" 中文翻譯 : 〔美俚〕游客。.

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