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  1. * GT&RO: How do you see the Solidarity Economy in Brazil compared to other experiences in Latin America and around the globe? PS: I am still learning more about Solidarity Economy almost every day. At the local level, dealing with the fragility of enterprises is a big challenge, and the cultural element is also very important.

  2. "ROBIN (ROuting Batman Inside) is an Open Source mesh network project, deployed on top of OpenWRT kamikaze, running on any Atheros AP51 routers such as Meraki Mini or La Fonera and using the BATMAN routing algorithm.

  3. Discussion How Net Parties Are Changing the Rules of the Political Game An article by Bernardo Gutierrez. Translation by Stacco Troncoso & AM Utronco/Guerrilla Translations. Bernardo Gutierrez: “The emergence of Partido X (Spain), Partido de la Red ...

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    ‘We believe that the most important division in today’s left is between thosewho hold to a folk politics of localism, direct action and relentless horizontalism,and those who outline what must become called an accelerationist politics at easewith a modernity of abstraction, complexity, globality and technology. The formerremains content with establ...

    0. Geoff Shullenberger: "In his 2014 book Malign Velocities, political theorist Benjamin Noys defines accelerationism as “the strategy of accelerating through and beyond capitalism.” This “strategy,” he notes, was first outlined by several French philosophers in the 1970s, in particular Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in Anti-Oedipus and Jean-Fra...

    By Robert Jackson: "The doctrine of accelerationism is accelerating, as it should be (Twitter hashtags and all) making giant leaps in art and cultural theory circles. By no means does it signal anything concrete, (at least not yet) than it provokes the insistent beginnings of a modern political doctrine: one that joins up similar threads of interes...

    By Andy Beckett: 1. "Half a century ago, in the great hippie year of 1967, an acclaimed young American science fiction writer, Roger Zelazny, published his third novel. In many ways, Lord of Light was of its time, shaggy with imported Hindu mythology and cosmic dialogue. Yet there were also glints of something more forward-looking and political. On...

    Robert Jackson: "What gives the Left accelerationists an injection of substance is not merely repeating Marxist demands that capitalism is an unjust, unequal system which promotes corpulent wealth, but that it primarily holds back the progressive and explanatory capacities of inhuman reasoning and technological progress (or at least that Voice, und...

    The Accelerationist Manifesto

    Excerpted from Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek: "If the polit­ical left is to have a future it must be one in which it max­im­ally embraces this sup­pressed accel­er­a­tion­ist tendency. 1. We believe the most import­ant divi­sion in today’s left is between those that hold to a folk polit­ics of loc­al­ism, dir­ect action, and relent­less hori­zont­al­ism, and those that out­line what must become called an accel­er­a­tion­ist polit­ics at ease with a mod­ern­ity of abstrac­tion, com­plex­ity,...

    original manifesto at​2​0​1​3​/​0​6​/​a​c​c​e​l​e​r​a​t​e​.​pdf

  4. Thai Population Association. The Thai Population Association (TPA) is an organization founded by a group of academics and specialists who are concerned with problems related to the size, quality and distribution of population in urban and rural areas. Thai Population Association. 02.441.1020 ext 214. Assorted.

  5. 2019年5月6日 · In short, OSE bases on freedom, open development and self-sufficiency. Local communities are started, working together through global networks. Their principles include ecology and design for durability and reuse (modular, standardise, repairable, …).

  6. in mac-ro-sociology. This holistic trajectory continued, arising elsewhere quite independently and often acquiring regional identities. In China, some social scientists began to adapt ideas for an integrated view of history from their physical science and ...

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