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  1. Price : Single room NT.990up/night. If delay check out, charge NT.100/hr. 房內備品:睡衣褲、小毛巾、浴巾、一次性盥洗用品、瓶裝礦泉水。Amenity : Sleepwear, small towel, bath towel, toothbrush, bottled water. 公共設施與服務:24小時服務櫃台、大眾澡堂 ...

  2. Short stay is available from two hours, charge NT490up. Amenity : Sleepwear, small towel, bath towel, toothbrush, bottledwater. Facility and service : 24hrs Reception, Public bathhouse, Showerbooth, Lobby, Lounge and Restaurant, Coin-operated washingmachines, Luggage storage.

  3. 單人房 SingleINN

  4. NOTICE 訂房須知. To practice being alone, to enjoy loneliness, to experience adventure in a solitary journey. Set your heart free, to see the most truthful self and feel the completeness in the space just for you. In Singleinn, travelers rest their hearts, touching and understanding.

  5. Please make sure guest details provided are accurate for reservation online, Single Inn is entitled to cancel your reservation if fail to do so. Guests are required to show photo ID or passport and the credit card used for this reservation upon check in.

  6. Simplicity and calm , delicacy taste . Convenient and unique , zeroing innovation . Inspiring and caring . 單人房的願景. 期許成為每一位旅人踏遍天涯首選的飯店品牌並對提升在地友善環境積極貢獻. The vision of Singleinn . Expecting to be the number one choice of hotels for the worldwide travelers . Dedicating ...

  7. 單人房 SingleINN

  8. 單人房 SingleINN

  9. Single Office 單人辦公室~異地辦公備援方案 你的辦公室裡是不是有很多人一起辦公呢? 為了疫情盡一份努力, 單人房推出異地班公備援方案

  10. 【單人房Single Inn X 超前部署】 看見今日日台灣再次零確診,真的振奮人心 💪 相信疫情就快要過去了,讓我們起迎向美好的曙光吧!

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