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  1. 預約試駕 經銷商資訊 打造你的Škoda Škoda車型 Octavia Octavia RS Octavia Combi Kodiaq Kodiaq RS ... Škoda歷史 來自福斯集團 Whistleblower System ALL 4 YOU ALL 4 YOU 2.0 聰明售後 CNS資訊娛樂系統更新 全台Škoda ...

  2. Škoda Kamiq 的聰明細節 車票夾 出示證件或票卡不用手忙腳亂!Kamiq 在最不起眼的擋風玻璃下, 配備了無比實用的車票夾 ... 預約試駕 經銷商資訊 打造你的Škoda Škoda車型 Octavia Octavia RS Octavia Combi Kodiaq Kodiaq RS ...

  3. › models › scalaThe Scala - Design

    Fast-paced elegance. The Škoda Scala’s emotive and dynamic appearance lends this five-door hatchback such a strong identity that you’ll never be just a face in the crowd. Every day, savour the modern, timeless design that matures as the years go by.

  4. › _doc › a1f54ff3-45e7-469c-a4d7-1f3e6f4a4296Škoda Scala

    Scala 採用水平設計LED 尾燈組,運用現代化手法將Škoda 家族一貫C型照明再次升級。. Scala 內裝配備了高檔材質與一流工藝,更搭載了”BOLERO”8 吋彩色觸控多媒體系統(支援藍芽及USB音源插孔),動人的設計也伴隨著完美功能性。. Scala 同時配備了手機無線充電板及四個 ...

  5. › models › the-new-octaviasafetyassists 倒車輔助

    Škoda Octavia Combi 的倒車輔助 後方來車警示系統 倒車時,後方視野死角往往釀成危險,此時,後方警示功能透過車內螢幕顯示周遭狀況,若後方出現來車,螢幕會出現黃色警示燈,距離更接近則轉為紅色。必要時車輛可主動煞車,避免不必要的追撞 ...

  6. Cargo elements. In typical Škoda style, the Škoda Scala’s boot also offers hugely practical features. Items can be secured in the boot using cargo fasteners. Just slide your boxes and shopping bags, for example, between the fasteners and they will no longer slide around. The cargo fasteners can be folded away and stored under the boot floor.

  7. Park Assist semi-automatically guides the car into perpendicular parking spaces, and in and out of parallel spots. The system assists you by automatically carrying out optimal steering wheel movements to park within the lines, you just have to accelerate and brake. Park Assist can also finish off a parking manoeuvre that has already started.