tell is transitive in to tell a story or to tell a lie, but in You tell John it is not, because John is not its direct object. Telling is not something that happens to John, cf. kill John . – Anton Shepelev
网上翻了下都说这句是中国古谚(Chinese proverb) 但想来想去想不到一个合适的呃 有说《荀子•儒效篇》里…
Tell me about it. 快告诉我。(×) 可不是吗。(√) 很多人听到这句话,就会跟别人巴拉巴拉解释一大堆,可是啊,伙伴们,人家其实并不想听。他们是在说,“可不是嘛!” His attitude is driving me crazy. Tell me about it. 他的态度真的快让我疯掉了。可不是吗!
2017年1月17日 · "Let me know" doesn't usually mean the same thing as "Tell me." "Let me know" usually refers to a piece of information about the future. The implication is that the other person doesn't know yet. Examples: "Let me know what you decide" (when you've made
2013年7月20日 · 从语法上说Can you tell me what the matter is ?/I don't know what your name is 是没有问题的。Can you tell me what's the matter?I don't know what's your name. 我基本上没有见过,一般习惯性的会说What is the matter? 不会加前面的东西。后面的就是I don't
Compare Tell me, please with please, tell me. This may be because please is such a common utterance that it has no more affect; it's wallpaper in the latter, but in the former, it is the last thought in the statement and so is actually perceived.
2012年7月16日 · 口语里这种情况很常见,照语法来说双重否定表肯定,但实际上很多情况里表达的依然是否定的意思,电影电视里不就经常出现这样的情节:一群荷枪实弹的警察到嫌疑人住处抓人,破门而入将嫌疑人扑倒在地,此时嫌疑人大叫 I didn`t do nothing!
同理,tell也可以表示“细节”,比如下句中的“she would be late for work”: Laura told me that she would be late for work. (Laura告诉我她会迟到。) 而第②组中的speak & talk则不能这样使用,也就是说,下面的用法是错误的: The teacher talked that He was.
2019年7月4日 · You could say "tell them to me", but that may not be idiomatic as some plural nouns are used as "collective" terms and you do not expect to count the items within. "Details" usually means "all the information" about something and is not necessarily something you bullet-point and count, so in this instance "tell me" is the most idiomatic response.
2023年10月30日 · If said kindly, it could mean what it appears to mean, i.e. 'tell me about your rough day, so that I may comfort you', or if said sarcastically I suppose it can mean 'Don't whine to me. I have had a rough day too'.