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  1. THE LITTLE MERMAID Hans Christian Andersen Anniversary Collection Image Copyright © Burbank Animation Studios Home ~ Profile ~ Films ~ New Projects ~ Internet Movies ...

  2. 《 小美人魚 》(英語: The Little Mermaid )是一部於2023年上映的美國 歌舞 奇幻片 ,由 華特迪士尼影片 製作, 勞勃·馬歇爾 執導, 大衛·馬吉 編寫劇本; 1989年同名動畫電影 的真人改編版,該動畫電影本身大體上取材於 安徒生 的1837年的 同名童話故事 。 講述年輕的美人魚為了探索人類世界而與深海女巫達成協議,用她的聲音換取一雙腿。 馬歇爾、 約翰·德盧卡 (英語:John DeLuca (producer)) 、 馬克·普拉特 (英語:Marc Platt (producer)) 和 林-曼紐·米蘭達 擔任監製,米蘭達也與作曲家 亞倫·孟肯 共同創作新版配樂和歌曲。

  3. THE LITTLE MERMAID. A story of true love and the obstacles one must go through to experience it. Princess Miranda has the most beautiful voice. On her 15th birthday she gets her first glimpse of the wonders of the human world. On her way to the shore, along with her otter friend, she saves the life of a handsome Prince and upon falling in love ...

  4. On Miranda's 15th. world and its wonders. Princess Miranda lives with her father, the Sea King, and her two sisters in a magical palace. She has the most beautiful voice in all the Merfolk Kingdom. Accompanied by Acme, her otter friend, she swims to shore. On the way, Miranda saves the life of a handsome Prince and soon finds herself having to ...

  5. 2023年8月2日 · Burbank Animation Studios. Publication date. 1998. Topics. the little mermaid, croatian, animated. Language. Croatian. The Little Mermaid (1998) (HR) Princess Miranda lives with her father, the Sea King, and her two sisters in a magical palace. She has the most beautiful voice in all the Merfolk Kingdom.

  6. Watch the trailer, find screenings & book tickets for The Little Mermaid on the official site. In theaters May 26 2023 brought to you by Disney. Directed by: Rob Marshall. Starring: Halle Bailey, Daveed Diggs, Jacob Tremblay, Awkwafina, Jonah Hauer-King, Art Malik, Noma Dumezweni, Javier Bardem, Melissa McCarthy.

  7. 愛麗絲夢遊仙境. 愛麗絲跟隨一隻奇異的白兔走進前所未見的仙境,體驗畢生難忘的奇幻旅程! 她跟著瘋帽子先生、三月兔、對對的、對對得、妙妙貓和紅心皇后等人,經歷千奇百怪的遭遇。 仙履奇緣. 一位美麗且心地善良的女孩,在後母及兩位姊姊的迫害下,過著衣食俱缺的苦日子,然而在一群可愛的小老鼠與及好心仙女的協助下,她成了世上最幸運的女孩。 魔髮奇緣:幸福前奏. 奇幻貓頭鷹小屋. 愛麗兒是個堅強又有主見的美人魚公主,她對海洋以外的世界充滿了好奇。 當愛麗兒遇見陸地上的英俊王子時,內心激盪不已。 在螃蟹賽巴斯丁、比目魚小胖這些朋友的幫助之下,愛麗兒勇敢衝出海底世界,戰勝魔咒,終於追尋到自己想擁有的感情!