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  1. The first thing is to stop wearing the item that bothers you. Your skin will most likely clear up within a few weeks. You can also: Wear natural fibers and loose clothes to help cut how much you ...

  2. 2023年11月20日 · Symptoms that you're allergic to a bug's sting include: Hives, itching, and swelling in places other than the sting site. Stomach cramps, vomiting, or severe nausea or diarrhea. Tightness in your ...

  3. 2022年12月12日 · Low or Superficial Self-Esteem. One sign of insecurity is low self-esteem or negative self-image, particularly when that image seems to be inconsistent with external observation. Low self-esteem ...

  4. 2023年8月28日 · 5 /17. Leukoplakia is a reaction to an irritant, like rough teeth, badly fitting dentures, smoking, and smokeless tobacco. It can show up as white patches or plaques in the mouth, is usually ...

    • Function
    • Causes
    • Signs and symptoms
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment

    The bladder is the hollow organ in the lower abdomen that stores urine. As the bladder fills, muscles in its walls relax so that it can expand. As the bladder empties during urination, the muscles contract to squeeze the urine out through the urethra.

    Several different bladder problems can cause pain. The three most common causes of bladder pain are interstitial cystitis, urinary tract infection, and bladder cancer. Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic condition in which the bladder becomes inflamed and irritated. The inflammation stiffens the bladder wall, and makes it difficult for the blad...

    A main symptom of IC is pain, which is strongest when the bladder fills and eases when the bladder empties. Pain may also be felt more generally in the lower back, abdomen, or groin. People with this condition may also urinate more frequently or feel an urgent need to urinate, yet they may only pass a little bit of urine each time. Sexual problems ...

    Often, a diagnosis of IC is made by ruling out other conditions that cause similar symptoms, such as urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, kidney stones, and cancer. The doctor will take a medical history and perform a physical exam. You may be asked how often you go to the bathroom, if you feel an urgency to go, and when you experience pai...

    Several treatments may help relieve symptoms of bladder pain and urgency, but finding the one that works for you is often a matter of trial and error. Here are some treatment options:

  5. 2022年11月14日 · Fatty Liver Disease. Too much weight, diabetes, or a high-cholesterol diet can make too much fat build up in your liver. Over time, that can scar your liver and keep it from doing its job. Fatty ...

  6. 2022年11月4日 · Theanine sometimes acts like glutamate in the body. But other times it seems to block the effects of glutamate. Theanine might also affect the brain chemicals GABA, dopamine, and serotonin. People ...

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