Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Improve your English listening and pronunciation skills by watching fun and interesting videos with real-life talks and conversations. With over 100,000 videos across multiple topics, you will grasp authentic usages of vocabulary as well as idioms and phrases. Our videos offer transcription and translation of the subtitles and are paired with ...

  2. VoiceTube 看影片學英文. 下載 App,觀看影片養成習慣,自然而然記住英文句型單字。. App Store 評分. 4.4. Google Play 評分. 4.6. VoiceTube顛覆你的學習體驗 !. 看影片英文學習法,超過十萬部道地情境影音,全球超過 450 萬人使用、近 9 成學習者好評推,讓英文自然而然 ...

  3. 學習時間. 紀錄你每天學習的時間,每天只要花個15~30分鐘看影片,語言能力就在不知不覺中增強了!. 按我註冊. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!. 上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。. 是最 ...

  4. VoiceTube Hero 線上英語課程依照多益分數分級,有趣多元的影片教材搭配聽說讀寫題型,全方位增加你的英文實力,再也不用死背單字文法,自然而然學會外國人都在用的道地英文,一起來 Hero 上課,看影片就能學好英文!

  5. Learn English by watching subtitled videos, movies trailers, and music videos! With over thousands videos with full English-Chinese subtitles, a built-in dictionary, pronunciation challenges and more, it’s no wonder that there are 3 million users that are learning English on VoiceTube the fun way.

  6. 下載「VoiceTube 看影片學英語」並在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上盡享豐富功能。 ‎ 2023 年 VoiceTube 邁向 10 週年! 感謝超過 500 萬名使用者見證和支持,讓我們得以不斷創新,提供更好的產品與服務。

  7. Improve your English listening and pronunciation skills by watching fun and interesting videos with real-life talks and conversations. With over 100,000 videos across multiple topics, you will grasp authentic usages of vocabulary as well as idioms and phrases. Our videos offer transcription and translation of the subtitles and are paired with our built-in dictionary and pronunciation analysis ...

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