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  1. to take something or someone somewhere, especially by force. 拉,拽. FBI agents hauled away boxes of records. FBI特工拉走了幾箱記錄。 The police hauled him off to jail in front of his whole family. 警察當著他全家人的面把他拖走,投入了監獄。 减少例句. He hauled himself over the wall, grunting with the effort. A freight train can haul thousands of tons of goods.

  2. v. 退卻;撤退. 英語釋義. take away by means of a vehicle; "They carted off the old furniture" 英漢例句. Please get the state budget signed and pass first before you haul off and do something stupid. Thanks. 請先讓州預算簽字通過再滾去做蠢事吧。 謝謝。 Look like he's going to haul off and kiss the girl. 看上去他會突然吻那個姑娘一下。

  3. 英 [hɔ:l ɔf] 美 [hɔl ɔf] 释义. 改变船的方向以躲避(某物),拉走. 实用场景例句. 全部. The enemy troops were utterly defeated and had to haul off. 敌军遭到惨败只得退却. 互联网. Look like he's going to haul off and kiss the girl. 看上去他会突然吻那个姑娘一下. 互联网. I haul off and leave him like that. 我不愿意就这样离开他一走了之. 互联网.

  4. to take something or someone somewhere, especially by force. 拉,拽. FBI agents hauled away boxes of records. FBI特工拉走了几箱记录。 The police hauled him off to jail in front of his whole family. 警察当着他全家人的面把他拖走,投入了监狱。 减少例句. He hauled himself over the wall, grunting with the effort. A freight train can haul thousands of tons of goods.

  5. HAUL OFF 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典. 语法. 'haul off' 的定义. haul off in British English. 动词 (intr, adverb) 1. (foll by and) US and Canadian informal. to draw back in preparation (esp to strike or fight ) I hauled off and slugged him. 2. nautical. to alter the course of a vessel so as to avoid an obstruction, shallow waters, etc. Collins English Dictionary.

  6. Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋

  7. haul off ph. 改向避碰、撤退 【中文解釋】 ph. 片語 改向避碰 撤退 ← haul ass ⤒ haulabout → haud n. 哈特颮 hauerite n. 方硫錳礦 haufendorf n. 簇群聚落 {德文} haugh n.(蘇)(地)河岸平台 haughtily adv. 傲慢地, 驕傲地 haughtiness n. 傲慢, 不遜 haughty n.