Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 形成, 使成形, 成型 They've shaped up a program. 他們已擬定了一個方案。
    • 2. 取得長足進步; 表現良好 You'd better shape up, young man, or expect to be punished. 青年人, 你最好幹得像樣些, 否則等著被罰。

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  2. to develop. 進展;發展. How are your plans shaping up? 你的計劃進展如何? Things seem to be shaping up nicely. 事情似乎進展順利。 Carl is shaping up very well in his new job. 卡爾的新工作做得不錯。 to improve your behaviour or performance. 表現變好. I've been told that if I don't shape up, I'll lose my job. 我被告知如果不改好,就會被解僱。 (shape up在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) B1.

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  3. to develop. 进展;发展. How are your plans shaping up? 你的计划进展如何? Things seem to be shaping up nicely. 事情似乎进展顺利。 Carl is shaping up very well in his new job. 卡尔的新工作干得不错。 to improve your behaviour or performance. 表现变好. I've been told that if I don't shape up, I'll lose my job. 我被告知如果不改好,就会被解雇。 (shape up在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) B1.

  4. shape up 在英語中的意思. phrasal verb with shape verb [ T ] uk / ʃeɪp / us / ʃeɪp / informal. [ usually continuous ] to develop: How are your plans shaping up? Things seem to be shaping up nicely. Carl is shaping up very well in his new job. to improve your behaviour or performance: I've been told that if I don't shape up, I'll lose my job.

  5. Principles of Shaping. Wireframes are too concrete. Words are too abstract. Case study: The Dot Grid Calendar. Property 1: It’s rough. Property 2: It’s solved. Property 3: It’s bounded. Who shapes. Two tracks. Steps to shaping. Chapter 3. Set Boundaries. Setting the appetite. Fixed time, variable scope. "Good" is relative. Responding to raw ideas.

  6. 英語釋義. develop in a positive way; "He progressed well in school" "My plants are coming along" "Plans are shaping up" 片語. pose 姿勢,姿態;裝模作樣. shape-up training 形體訓練. shape e up 成型. Anchor Shape-up Milk 安佳脫脂牛奶. shape-up exercise 形態訓練. make 制造;構造;性情. variable force shape following up 變力隨形. Shape It Up 高速拼圖. dynhereisic shape-up error 靜態累計誤差. 英漢例句.

  7. 取得長足進步; 表現良好 You'd better shape up, young man, or expect to be punished. 青年人, 你最好幹得像樣些, 否則等著被罰。 Everything is shaping up well. 一切進展順利。 3. 準備就緒 The planes were shaping up for the landing at Paris.

  8. 產品資訊. 告訴你一個小知識:當你享樂時、你的健身會有更好的成果,因為你正在努力運動。 不想再去健身房做那些單調乏味的健身排程嗎? 我們也這樣認為因此我們打造了Shape Up》! 《Shape Up》證明了享樂越多、成果越多的理念。 它擁有獨家和充滿娛樂性的 90 秒挑戰模式,把辛苦的健身變成歡樂的遊戲經驗。 次世代的攝影機技術代表你不再孤單一人遊玩,《Shape Up》用 rePLAY 系統錄下你的健身過程來挑戰自己、好友或是遊戲內突如其來的角色。 《Shape Up》會捕捉你的健身過程和卡路里消耗數據,讓你追蹤自己的瘦身成果。 你可以選擇有氧或是肌力練習來配合你的心情;生活忙碌的你也可以透過行動應用程式、讓手機幫你保持身心健康。

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