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    KK [diˋsɛlə͵ret]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 使減速,降低……的速度

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 減緩,降低速度;減速行駛(或運轉) Experts predict that economic growth will decelerate. 專家預測經濟的成長會減緩。

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  2. to reduce the speed that a vehicle is travelling at. (使)降低速度;(使)減速. The car decelerated at the sight of the police car. 那輛汽車一見警車就慢了下來。. to happen or make something happen more slowly. (使)減緩發生. 比較. accelerate.

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      decelerate翻譯:(使)降低速度;(使)减速, (使)减缓 ...

  3. to reduce the speed that a vehicle is travelling at. (使)降低速度;(使)减速. The car decelerated at the sight of the police car. 那辆汽车一见警车就慢了下来。. to happen or make something happen more slowly. (使)减缓发生. 比较. accelerate.

  4. 不及物動詞. 1. 減緩,降低速度;減速行駛(或運轉) Experts predict that economic growth will decelerate. 專家預測經濟的成長會減緩。. decelerating. decelerate 的動詞現在分詞、動名詞. Dr.eye 譯典通. decelerated. decelerate 的動詞過去式、過去分詞.

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供decelerate的中文意思,decelerate的用法讲解,decelerate的读音,decelerate的同义词,decelerate的反义词,decelerate的例句等英语服务。.

  6. decelerate中文的意思翻譯及用法:vt. 使減速vi. 減速,降低速度。英漢詞典提供【decelerate】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  7. Your face would cloud over and the gloppity sounds would decelerate with revulsion. David Cavanagh MUSIC FOR BOYS ( 2003 ) The train began to decelerate almost as soon as it was in the tunnel .