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  1. be proud and aloof中文意思:傲岸不群…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋be proud and aloof的中文翻譯,be proud and aloof的發音,三態,音標, 用法和造句等。 简体版 English 登入 註冊 網站工具 設為首頁 收藏本站 英語翻譯 日語翻譯 漢語辭典 造句 法語翻譯 韓語 ...

  2. 便捷介词用法大全 介词是用来表示物体、人和地点之间相互关系词语。介词in,on和at常被用来表示这些关系。这里有关于何时该用介词解释,并附有例句来帮助你理解。 1.In a.In用于室内或室外场所。

  3. aloof aloof: [16] Aloof was originally a nautical term, a command to steer to windward.Its second syllable is a variant of luff ‘sail closer to the wind’ [13].This was borrowed from Old French lof, ‘windward side of a ship’, which may itself have been, like so many maritime expressions, of Dutch origin. ...

  4. aloof [əˈlu:f] 释义:. adj. 远离;冷淡,置身事外. 例句:. He has remained largely aloof from the hurly - burly of parliamentary politics. 他基本上一直对喧嚣议会政治漠不关心. 换一句.

  5. ALOOF翻译:不友善;冷漠, (通常因為對所發生事情不贊同而)漠不關心,無動於衷,不參與。了解更多。

  6. 重新整理. "aloof" 意思. aloof. /əˈluːf/. 形容詞. "aloof" 例句. Tim's aloof attitude makes it difficult for people to connect with him. "aloof" 相關課程教材. The researchers said that while many people believe cats are aloof and difficult to train, this shows they really do like to play and socialize with their owners.

  7. aloof的意思"Aloof" is an adjective that describes someone who is emotionally or physically distant, reserved, or detached. It suggests a sense of coolness or indifference, and can be used to describe someone who appears unapproachable or disinterested in social interaction. Example: "He seemed aloof at the party, standing in the corner and not talking to anyone." The term "aloof" can also ...