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  1. OPERATING 意味, 定義, OPERATING は何か: 1. relating to the main business activities of a company: 2. working or being used: 3. relating…. もっと見る Beyond the perceived political advantages, this listing also suggests economic advantages in that municipalities ...

  2. OPERATION翻譯:工作, 運作,實施,工作, (機器或系統的)運作,運行;(對機器或系統的)操作,使用, 企業, (有目的的)活動,行動, 醫療方法, 手術, 數學, (數學)運算。

  3. operating的中文意思:adj.1.运行的;操作的;工作的。2.关于业务的;营业上的…,查阅operating的详细中文翻译、发音、例句和用法等。operating expenses 业务开支;营业费。 operating funds 流动资金。 operating personnels 管理人员。

  4. 操作系统簡略架構 操作系统架構,以Linux為例 操作系统(英語: Operating System,縮寫: OS )是一组主管并控制计算机操作、运用和运行硬件、软件 資源和提供公共服务来组织用户交互的相互关联的系统软件 程序,同时也是计算机系统的核心与基石。操作系统需要处理如管理與配置内存、決定系統資 ...

  5. operating中文意思::操作的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋operating的中文翻譯,operating的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。My assistant will operate the tape-recorder .我的助手將操縱錄音機。These four causes do not operate singly .這四個原因并不單個起作用。 ...

  6. OPERATE翻译:工作, (使)工作,(使)运行;运作;操作;起作用, 医疗方法, 开刀,动手术。了解更多。 They also find that the algorithm itself has a significantly lower impact on performance than the feature space within which the algorithm operates.

  7. OPERATING definition: 1. relating to the main business activities of a company: 2. working or being used: 3. relating…. Learn more. Beyond the perceived political advantages, this listing also suggests economic advantages in that municipalities will have lower operating costs and that organizational innovation will increase.

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