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  2. 2022年11月15日 · 低碳生活愛地球:37個節能減碳的方法. 為什麼要節能減碳? 全球溫度因為人類活動所排放的溫室氣體 正在逐漸上升 , 引發全球氣候變遷、衝擊生態系統,隨手在網路上搜尋 「全球暖化」、「節能減碳」等關鍵字,就可以看到各式各樣的研究文獻,與各國政府、企業正推行的政策與策略,由此可知,節能減碳不只是一種刻不容緩的趨勢,更是國際間的共識。 在節能減碳的推動上,除了國家擬定相應的政策、規劃短中長期目標,或企業積極響應、樹立良好典範外,小至個人也能落實在日常生活中,為環保盡上一分心力,以下分就國家、企業、個人三種不同出發點提出舉例: 國家節能減碳的例子:

  3. 2023年5月5日 · To tackle climate change, many of us need to cut our carbon footprints. But what do truly low-carbon lifestyles look like – and can they really be achieved by personal choice alone?

  4. 個人與低碳生活 | 個人與低碳計算機 | 低碳生活小貼士 | 節約用水 | 節能方案 | 綠色運輸方案 | 減廢方案 | 碳中和及可持續發展委員會 | 香港碳中和 | 香港氣候變化 | 香港可持續發展 | 氣候變化對香港的影響 | 巴黎協定 | 淨零發電 | 節能綠建 | 綠色運輸 | 全民減 ...

  5. 2020年1月13日 · A Guide to the Good, Low-Carbon Life. Kevin Krajick. January 13, 2020. For about the last 10 years, environmental law professor Karl Coplan has been trying to winnow down his direct carbon-dioxide emissions with the goal of reaching four tons per year–about 40 percent of the average American’s.

  6. Why entrepreneurs are important in finding low carbon solutions for our everyday lifestyles. Lifestyles in Asia are becoming increasing unsustainable. Air pollution, plastic waste and greenhouse gas emissions are the unwanted side effect of increased consumption.

  7. 2020年5月14日 · What lifestyle changes will shrink your carbon footprint the most? How to take steps that will make a difference. You can reduce your carbon emissions, but the most influential changes will...

  8. 2021年7月12日 · Source: The UK Climate Change Committee. For Climate Outreach, perhaps the clearest sign of the shift is the agenda-setting United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Emissions Gap report which contained – for the first time – a chapter on The role of equitable low-carbon lifestyles in closing the emissions gap.