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  1. B1. to destroy something or kill someone with a bomb, or to be destroyed or killed by a bomb. (被)炸毀;(被)炸死. They threatened to blow up the plane if their demands were not met. 他們威脅説如果要求得不到滿足就炸毀飛機。 He drove over a landmine and his Jeep blew up. 他開的吉普車碰上地雷被炸毀了。 减少例句. A small band of guerrillas has blown up a train in the mountains.

    • Blow Away 殺害某人、打敗、震撼
    • Blow Up 充氣 / 爆炸 / 勃然大怒
    • Blow sb/sth Off 爽約、忽略或讓某事變的不重要

    blow away 本身有數種意思,常見的有殺害某人、打敗、震撼(令人印象深刻)等等。 例1:He blew the police officer away. 他殺害了警察。 例2:The iPhone 7 has blown all the others away. iPhone 7 手機擊敗了其他所有產品。 例3:His new design blew me away. 他的新設計震撼到我了。

    blow up 有很多個意思,常見的有爆炸、勃然大怒、充氣…等。 例1:He blew up a bridge. 他炸掉了一座橋。 例2:The bomb is blowing up. 炸彈正在爆炸。 例3:Can you help me blow up this balloon? 你可以幫我吹這顆氣球嗎? 例4:Dad blew up when Tom admitted that he stole the money. 當湯姆承認是他偷的錢時,爸爸勃然大怒。

    例1:She blew me off after our first date. 在我們第一次約會之後,她放了我鴿子。 例2:Just blow his comments off, he’s just joking. 請忽略他的評論,他只是開開玩笑。

  2. BLOW (SOMEONE/SOMETHING) UP翻译:(被)炸毀;(被)炸死, 充氣, 給…充氣,給…打氣, 照片, 放大(照片或圖片), 暴風雨, (暴風雨)開始, 憤怒, 勃然大怒, 充氣的, 發脾氣;發怒, 被放大的照片(文件或圖片等)。

  3. BLOWING UP ——劍橋英語同義詞詞典,包括同義詞和例句. 同義詞詞典:英語中 blowing up 的同義詞和反義詞. blowing up. noun. 這些都是與 blowing up 相關的單字和片語。 任意點選單字和片語去往同義詞詞典頁面。 或者, ERUPTION. Synonyms. eruption. discharge. emission. ejection. venting. bursting forth. outburst. outbreak. pouring forth. flare-up. outpouring. belching forth. flowing forth. gushing. explosion. Antonyms. retention.

  4. to destroy something or kill someone with a bomb, or to be destroyed or killed by a bomb: They threatened to blow up the plane if their demands were not met. He drove over a landmine and his Jeep blew up. Fewer examples. A small band of guerrillas has blown up a train in the mountains.

  5. [ˈbləuiŋ ʌp] 释义. [医]发泡,起泡. 实用场景例句. 全部. Other than blowing up a tyre I hadn't done any car maintenance. 除了给轮胎充气外,我没做过任何汽车保养。 柯林斯例句. Five months of marriage and she was already spreading , besides blowing up. 结婚才五个月, 不但爱发脾气,身于也发胖了. 教父部分. It was blowing up grey again. 又刮起了寒风. 英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹.

  6. blow up. 1. 动词短语. If someone blows something up or if it blows up, it is destroyed by an explosion. He was jailed for 45 years for trying to blow up a plane. [VERB PARTICLE noun] Their boat blew up as they slept. [VERB PARTICLE] [ Also VERB noun PARTICLE] 2. 动词短语. If you blow up something such as a balloon or a tyre, you fill it with air.