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  1. Written by CFI Team. What is Product Mix? Product mix, also known as product assortment or product portfolio, refers to the complete set of products and/or services offered by a firm. A product mix consists of product lines, which are associated items that consumers tend to use together or think of as similar products or services.

  2. The product mix is the combination of all the different product lines sold by that company. In other words, product lines are parts of product mixes, but the reverse is not true. Furthermore, a company may have several product lines, especially if it has a diverse customer base.

  3. 2015年2月28日 · 什麼是產品結構. 產品結構 (Product mix是指一個企業生產的 產品 中各類產品的比例關係。 如:軍用品與民用品,機械產品與電器產品,優質產品與一般產品, 技術密集型產品 與 勞動密集型產品 等之間的比例關係。 [ 編輯] 產品結構的分類. 對 社會產品 的各個組成部分可按不同的標誌進行分類,形成不同類型的和不同層次的產品結構。 ①按產品的用途分類, 分為 生產資料 與 消費資料 ,形成社會產品的兩大部類結構(或稱產品的用途結構)。 ②按產品的生產部門分類, 分為工業產品、農業產品、建築業產品等,形成 社會產品 的部門結構。 ③按產品在社會再生產過程中所處的地位和加工階段分類, 分為 初級產品 、 中間產品 和 最終產品 ,形成社會產品的再生產序列結構。

  4. A product mix is the total number of product lines and individual products or services offered by a company. Additionally referred to as product assortment or product portfolio. Product mixes vary from company to company. Some have multiple product lines with lots of products in each line. But others are much more limited.

  5. Product mix or product assortment is a set of the total number of product lines that a seller offers in the market to its buyers. The company may have one or several product lines, and each product line may have several products. When these product lines get together are known as the product mix of the company.

  6. 2021年9月7日 · Product mix, also known as product assortment, refers to the total number of product lines that a company offers to its customers. The product lines may range from one to many and the company may have many products under the same product line as well. All of these product lines when grouped together form the product mix of the company.

  7. 2015年2月28日 · 产品结构 (Product mix)是指一个企业生产的 产品 中各类产品的比例关系。 如:军用品与民用品,机械产品与电器产品,优质产品与一般产品, 技术密集型产品 与 劳动密集型产品 等之间的比例关系。 [ 编辑] 产品结构的分类. 对 社会产品 的各个组成部分可按不同的标志进行分类,形成不同类型的和不同层次的产品结构。 ①按产品的用途分类, 分为 生产资料 与 消费资料 ,形成社会产品的两大部类结构(或称产品的用途结构)。 ②按产品的生产部门分类, 分为工业产品、农业产品、建筑业产品等,形成 社会产品 的部门结构。 ③按产品在社会再生产过程中所处的地位和加工阶段分类, 分为 初级产品 、 中间产品 和 最终产品 ,形成社会产品的再生产序列结构。

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