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    • 1. 外沾糖霜之橡皮糖

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  2. 土耳其人吃甜點吃的可兇了而且不甜不開心越甜越帶勁知名度次高僅輸土耳其冰淇淋的甜食土耳其軟糖LokumTurkish Delight)是本地人與世界觀光客熱愛的伴手禮。

  3. Turkish delight. Turkish delight or lokum ( /lɔ.kʊm/) is a family of confections based on a gel of starch and sugar. Premium varieties consist largely of chopped dates, pistachios, hazelnuts or walnuts bound by the gel; traditional varieties are often flavored with rosewater, mastic gum, bergamot orange, or lemon.

  4. 土耳其软糖又叫土耳其快乐糖(Turkish delight),它在当地名字叫 Lokum,意思是“给喉咙的安慰”。 这种方方正正的软糖裹有糖粉和坚果,最出名的口味是大马士革玫瑰味的,有着满满的土耳其风味。 这种糖果口感软糯,一口咬下去,幸福感爆棚。 在古时候,lokum是皇室宫廷特供甜品,贵族之间喜欢用精美的蕾丝手帕把它包裹起来,作为相互赠送的礼品。 更是用于赠送心上人表达爱慕的方式之一。 鲜花与lokum,象征幸福的甜蜜。 在英文中叫Turkish delight,来源于一个故事。 曾经有个英国人非常喜欢土耳其软糖,于是购买了一箱,乘坐一艘叫“Turkish delight”的船飘洋过海运回英国,并且用那艘船的名字给这种软糖命名。 软糖很快在整个欧洲大受欢迎并享有盛名。

  5. 2022年11月30日 · Turkish Delight, also known as Lokum, is a delicately flavored, fragrant, chewy jelly candy that has been a hallmark of my homeland, Turkey, since Ottoman times. It’s one of my absolute favorite recipes and I’m happy to share it with you. The texture of Turkish delights is somewhere between a jelly candy and marshmallow.

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  6. 2024年2月6日 · Servings: 32 servings. 547 ratings. Add a comment. Save Recipe. The Turkish name for this confection, lokma or lokum, means morsel, and these sweet squares are exactly that: a delicately chewy treat, perfectly sweetened, and infused with the fascinating and sweet flavor of either rosewater, bergamot, lemon, or mastic.

  7. 2023年3月10日 · Turkish delight is a deliciously chewy, rose-flavored candy that is a wonderful accompaniment to Turkish coffee or an afternoon tea. Surprisingly easy to make, it’s a lovely personal gift for someone special.

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