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  1. uk / ˈʃɪv. ə l.rəs / us / ˈʃɪv. ə l.rəs / Add to word list. A chivalrous man is polite, honest, fair, and kind towards women. (男人)有騎士風度的;(對女士)彬彬有禮的,體貼的. (chivalrous在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) chivalrous的 例句.

    • 繁體

      FAIR翻譯:正當的, 合理的;公平的;公正的;平等待人的, ...

  2. 2002年9月5日 · Many people — from successful knights to contemplative philosophers — compiled lists of virtuous qualities, called the “knightly virtues,” which they felt defined chivalry. No two were exactly the same. There were, however, several common themes found in these lists of knightly virtues.

  3. chivalrous. (adj.) 14世紀中葉,“關於騎士或遊俠的”,源自古法語“ chevaleros ”意爲“騎士的,高貴的,俠義的”,起源於“ chevalier ”(參見“ chevalier ”; 也可參考“ chivalry ”)。 據牛津英語詞典記載,自16世紀中葉在英語和法語中廢棄。 在法語中沒有恢復使用,但在1770年代由浪漫主義作家再次引入英語中,具有“具有高質量(豪俠精神、勇氣、寬宏大量)的騎士風範”的含義。 相關詞彙: Chivalrously; chivalrousness. 也來自: mid-14c. 相關條目 chivalrous. chevalier. (n.)

  4. CHIVALROUS翻译:(男人)有骑士风度的;(对女士)彬彬有礼的,体贴的。了解更多。

  5. › wiki › Basil_(name)Basil (name) - Wikipedia

    Male and Female. Origin. Word/name. Greek, Arabic. Meaning. "royal, kingly, brave, valiant, chivalrous" in Greek; "brave, fearless, intrepid" in Arabic. The name Basil ( royal, kingly) comes from the male Greek name Vassilios ( Greek: Βασίλειος, female version Bασιλεία ), which first appeared during the Hellenistic ...

  6. Assertion of a right to social dominance gives another important component to the fusion that made chivalry and gave it such power in medieval society. Over time, knights rose in status and even the nobility decided to wear the chivalric mantle. Keywords: social dominance, knights, prowess, honour, social status, chivalry, medieval society, war.