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  1. 2020年5月3日 · 上篇文章介紹了 Visual Studio 的兩項祕密武器 - Source Link 及 Decompile Source Code 功能,能幫助我們針對開源 NuGet 程式庫,甚至對沒有源碼的第三方程式庫逐行偵錯。今天再補充一件無源碼偵錯的神兵利器 - dnSpy。 在 Visual Stud...

  2. Download. dotPeek is a free tool based on ReSharper. It can reliably decompile any .NET assembly into C# or IL code.

  3. java-decompiler.github.ioJava Decompiler

    The “Java Decompiler project” aims to develop tools in order to decompile and analyze Java 5 “byte code” and the later versions. JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of “.class” files. You can browse the reconstructed source

  4. Decompiler Explorer is open source! Fork it on GitHub! Decompiler Explorer is an interactive online decompiler which shows equivalent C-like output of decompiled programs from many popular decompilers.

  5. Online decompiler for Java, Android, Python and C#. Upload your artifact Drag and drop your artifact into the online decompiler to view the content online or download it.

  6. 2022年7月14日 · 昨天在 Hacker News 上看到Decompiler Explorer (」這篇,裡面列出了很多 Decompile to C 的工具 (就不用直接硬看 assembly),包括了 open source 與商用軟體: angr (BSD-2-Clause)。. Binary Ninja (商業軟體) Boomerang (BSD-3-Clause) Ghidra (NSA,Apache-2...

  7. According to some studies, AndroChef Java Decompiler is able to decompile 98.04% of Java applications generated with traditional Java compilers - a very high recovery rate. It is simple but powerful tool that allows you to decompile Java and Dalvik bytecode (DEX, APK) into readable Java source.

  8. Disassemble and decompile code. Automate analysis with C++, Python, or Rust. Binary Ninja is an interactive decompiler, disassembler, debugger, and binary analysis platform built by reverse engineers, for reverse engineers.

  9. 2024年3月16日 · 若要停用外部程式碼的自動反編譯,請移至 >Tools Options >Debugging General >並取消選取必要時 Automatically decompile (僅限管理)。 產生和內嵌組件的來源 除了針對特定位置產生原始程式碼之外,您還可以為指定的 .NET 組件產生所有原始程式碼。

  10. 2013年10月31日 · Newer versions of Visual Studio 2017 now include an experimental feature called navigation to decompiled sources. It requires you to explicitly enable it (and restart Visual Studio), but once you do, you can see decompiled source code for assemblies your code references.