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  1. 2023年10月11日 · of which 用法與 of whom 用法 / 意思. 1. of 是表示「整体/沒有」的同位關係: A+of+B, 其中A和B 是「同位」,例: His daugthers, both(A) of whom (B)work in Hong Kong, ring him every day. I have tested all the watches, none (A)of which are waterproof! 常用字: all/both/none/neither/each of ‘w’. 2. of 是表示「部份」關係: A+of+B, 其中A【部份】和B 【整體】,例:

  2. of which, whereof, thereof, hereof 都有【其中部份】的意思。 但是他們因為「語構功能」不同之故,用的地方都有所不同。 內容目錄. 1. of which (用在【形容語 Definer】子句) 2. whereof = of which 的formal 版 (用在【形容語 Definer】子句) 3. whereof (用在名詞子句) 4. thereof (用在【狀語 Adverbial Modifier】子句) 5. hereof (一般用作adv.) 1. of which ( 用在【形容語 Definer】子句) 所 謂形容語 (Definer),就是形容noun的語構。 舉例:

  3. All of which” is a relative pronoun phrase that introduces additional information about a noun or pronoun mentioned earlier in the sentence. It acts as a modifier, providing further details or clarification. Here are a few key rules to keep in mind when using “all of which” in your writing:

  4. If we want to say that all the objects in a set have some property, like distinctness, beauty, the color red, or whatever, then this is simply expressed using "all": Any one of the flowers in this garden is beautiful.* All of the flowers in this garden are beautiful.

  5. All of Which On the other hand, “all of which” is used when referring to things or objects in a group. It signifies the entirety of the objects being mentioned. Examples of “All of Which” He bought a dozen eggs, all of which were organic. The books in the library, all of which were written by famous authors, were borrowed by students.

  6. Modifying Quantity Clauses. Quantifier — All of Which. All of Which in a Modifying Clause. All of which, most of which, many of which, much of which, some of which, a few of which, a little of which, none of which, etc. Commas are added when the clause adds extra information, "nice to know", but not essential to identifying the noun.

  7. 在英文解释里: whatever. 标题中含有单词 'all of which' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“all of which”的讨论. (future form) However, I have all the rest of documents which I will bring with me. - English Only forum. a place which is all green, full of bushes and trees - English Only forum. all but one of which is performed by an outside laboratory - English Only forum.

  8. 4 天前 · Question. My name is Simon, I have a question about the attributive clause ‘which’: when should we use ‘in which’, when should we use ‘with which’, ‘of which’, ‘by which’? Thank you! Helen....

  9. of which 用法 演化應用及相關親屬關係【高階】 上一篇我們講過如何用【三語構】 (3-syntax)來梳理「in which親屬群」的用法,這篇也相倣,繼續以3-syntax的思維框架「推論」【of which, whereof, thereof, hereof】這一系列親屬的用法。 上次In which親屬群是講「範圍、位置」;而今次 of which 親屬群是講「組成部份」 。 在推論前,先提醒【三語構】用的三種顏色,以作一會兒的「推論」工具: 【主句語構】(紅色) 【形容語語構】(綠色): 形容「noun」 【狀語語構】(紫色): 修飾「非noun」 先從這例句開始吧。

  10. In 2009, the Ombudsman conducted a direct investigation on the effectiveness of the administration of the Code and put forward 11 recommendations for improvement, all of which have been implemented by the Government, e.g. to organise more, and timely, training for the Access to Information Officer established in each bureau and department; to work with departments to organise more training for ...