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  1. IN FACT的意思、解釋及翻譯:actually: 。 了解更多。

  2. 來自 English Grammar Today. In fact is a discourse marker. We use in fact to add more detailed information to what has just been said: A: Did she pass her driving test? B: Yes, she did; in fact, she’s now taking an advanced driving test.

  3. from English Grammar Today. In fact is a discourse marker. We use in fact to add more detailed information to what has just been said: A: Did she pass her driving test? B: Yes, she did; in fact, she’s now taking an advanced driving test.

  4. in fact] - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果. 依語言. 英漢. 英英. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. in fact. ph. 事實上; 實際上. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. ph. 片語. 1. 事實上; 實際上 In fact, no one knows how the pyramids were built. 事實上沒人知道金字塔是如何建成的。 更多解釋. in...

  5. 片語. "in fact" 例句. In fact, this is the best way to solve the problem. In fact, there are many kinds of sushi. "in fact" 相關課程教材. But in fact, ... 不過事實上,... 瀏覽教材. This means "in fact" or "in reality." 它的意思是 "in fact" 或 "in reality(實際上)。 瀏覽教材. In fact, it's quite common. 其實這還滿常見的。 瀏覽教材. In fact, it is toxic and flammable. 事實上,硫化氫是有毒性且易燃的。 瀏覽教材.

  6. 在英文解释里: as a matter of fact - come to that - effective - in actuality - in name only - indeed - nothing other than - really. 中文: 其实 - 实则 - 实际上. 在单词列表中: PET Vocabulary List - I, 更多…… 标题中含有单词 'in fact' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“in fact”的讨论. ...are, in fact, many more people, not just me, who are ... - English Only forum.

  7. 2023年7月7日 · 英文文法. In fact 是常見的英文短語之一,表示事實上、實際上、其實等意思,常用於口語和書面語中,是非常實用的詞語。 本文將從以下幾個方面詳細解釋 In fact 的完整用法與詳解: 1. In fact 的基本意思. 作為一個表明事實的詞語,In fact 的基本意思就在其字面上已經能夠體現出來,即實際上、其實、事實上等等。 2. In fact 的用法與例句. In fact 一般用於句子的開始,表示將前面提到的事實更進一步具體說明、加強肯定的效果。 以下是一些常見的 In fact 用法與例句: In fact, I have never been to New York.(事實上,我從未去過紐約。

  8. 2010年6月8日 · actually 通常是用在不完全同意對方的說法, 或對自己前面講的那句話做些修正的時候. 比如: A: You forgot my birthday again, didn’t you? B: Actually, I didn’t. Here. I got you a present. 或是: I think I left my wallet in the office. Oh, wait. Actually, I might have left it at home. in fact 則是用在要對之前說的話作補充, 或是舉出例證強調時. 也可以說 as a matter of fact. 比如: I hardly drink coffee. In fact, I hate coffee.

  9. (表語氣) truth 真理;事實;誠實;實質. indeed 真的(表示驚訝、懷疑、諷刺等) 相反詞. irreality 虛構;缺乏真實性. unreality 不真實;非現實. 英漢例句. for me, only my family was more important — and in fact i was making these change for my family as well as for myself. 對我來說,只有我的家人是更重要的—實際上我之所以要改變生活不僅僅是為了自己,更是為了家人。

  10. 释义. 实际上,其实; 实则; 事实上; 说起来. 实用场景例句. 全部. 实际上. 其实. 事实上. It's really very nice. I will take it though it's still a little expensive. 它确实非常好. 虽然还是贵了点,我就买这件吧. 期刊摘选. In fact the soldier and the priest were one and the same person. 事实上,士兵和牧师是同一个人. 《简明英汉词典》 In fact, I'm sure that's the only satisfactory way out. 我想,事实上那是唯一令人满意的出路. 《现代英汉综合大词典》

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