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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 遲了, 延誤; 支持, 幫助; 解釋, 找出理由 If your payments of rent get behind, you will be asked to leave. 如果你拖欠房租, 房東就會要你搬走。

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  2. GET BEHIND翻譯:落後,拖延;拖欠。 了解更多。

  3. get behind 在英語中的意思. phrasal verb with get verb uk / ɡet / us / ɡet / present participle getting | past tense got | past participle got or US usually gotten. Add to word list. to fail to do as much work or pay as much money as you should by a particular time: get behind with She got behind with her mortgage and the house was repossessed.

  4. get behind翻译:落後,拖延;拖欠。 了解更多。

  5. get behind. — phrasal verb with get verb uk / ɡet / us / ɡet / present participle getting | past tense got | past participle got or US usually gotten. to fail to do as much work or pay as much money as you should by a particular time. 落后,拖延;拖欠.

  6. to get behind 的简体中文 翻译. 落後. See full dictionary entry for behind below. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. behind. [bɪˈhaɪnd ] 介词. 1. (at the back of) 在⋯ ... 後面. Behind the cottage was a shed. 在小屋的後面是一個棚子。 2. (supporting) 支持. The country is behind the President. 整個國家都支持總統。 3. (in race, career etc) 落後於.

  7. phrasal verb. get behind (with something) to fail to make enough progress or to produce something at the right time. I'm getting behind with my work. He got behind with the payments for his car. Topics Difficulty and failure c2. Take your English to the next level.

  8. get behind中文的意思、翻譯及用法:支持;落后;識破。 英漢詞典提供【get behind】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. 英 漢 詞 典. 搜尋. get behind. 英[ɡet biˈhaind]美[ɡɛt bɪˈhaɪnd] 支持;落后;識破. 英語釋義. to lag or linger behind; "But in so many other areas we still are dragging" 英漢例句.