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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 用汽車搭載某人或接某人 I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock. 7點鐘我開車來接你。
    • 2. 【口】【貶】偶然結識某人 He picked up the girl at a college disco. 他在學校的迪斯科舞會上偶然結識了那姑娘。

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  2. noun. uk / ˈpɪk.ʌp / us / ˈpɪk.ʌp / pickup noun (COLLECTION) Add to word list. [ C ] the act of picking someone or something up, or the place where it happens. 接(某人);取(某物);搭車地點. The pickup point for the long-distance coaches is now in the new bus station. 長途汽車的搭乘點現在設在新汽車站。 [ C ] informal. a person who is picked up. 搭車者.

  3. to lift someone or something using your hands. 舉起;抱起;提起. If she starts to cry, pick her up and give her a cuddle. 如果她哭了的話,把她抱起來摟一摟。 I picked up the kids ' clothes that were lying on the floor. 我把地上孩子的衣服撿了起來。 I went to pick up the phone / receiver, but it had stopped ringing. 我去接電話,但已經不響了。 减少例句.

  4. 2020年7月10日 · Today, I’m going to tell you three different ways of using the phrasal verb pick up. First, we use pick up to describe learning something. So, for example, I can say: Children pick up languages very quickly. And so can you at BBC Learning English! Second, we use pick up informally to describe buying something.

  5. 2019年8月9日 · 1.pick up 拿起、拾起. 這是pick up很常見的一個中文意思「拿起、拾起」。. 例:He picked up the phone and started chatting with his friend. 他拿起電話並開始和朋友閒聊。. 2.pick up 用汽車搭載某人或接某人. pick up 另外一個常見的中文意思,則是接送某人。. 例:Tom will pick up a ...

  6. 英 [pɪk ʌp] 美 [pɪk ʌp] 释义. 拿起; 提起; 捡起; 取走; 学会; (身体)恢复,好转. 实用场景例句. 全部. 捡起. 学会. He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head... 他从地板上拾起帽子,重新戴在头上。 柯林斯高阶英语词典. Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled with it. 里德利拿起一支铅笔,不停地在手里摆弄着。 柯林斯高阶英语词典. Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track. 安东尼自己慢慢爬起来,又开始沿着跑道跑下去。 柯林斯高阶英语词典.

  7. to lift someone or something using your hands. 举起;抱起;提起. If she starts to cry, pick her up and give her a cuddle. 如果她哭了的话,把她抱起来搂一搂。 I picked up the kids ' clothes that were lying on the floor. 我把地板上孩子们的衣服捡了起来。 I went to pick up the phone / receiver, but it had stopped ringing. 我去接电话,但已经不响了。 减少例句.

  8. /pɪk ʌp/ 片語動詞. 買, 接送(人) "pick up" 例句. Can you pick up some milk on the way home? 你能在回家的路上買一些牛奶嗎? I have to pick up Josh from soccer practice at 6 p.m. 我得在六點足球訓練結束後去接Josh。 "pick up" 相關課程教材. Ploggers pick up litter while they jog. plogger一邊慢跑一邊撿垃圾。 瀏覽教材. Of course, the employee tried to pick up all the papers. 當然,這名員工有盡力撿起所有的文件。 瀏覽教材.

  9. 「去某處接某人」的英文是 pick someone up。 如果你還記得,一開始大家學到 pick up 時,都是先學「把東西從地上撿起來」的意思,正因如此,我自己一直覺得 pick someone up 是很有畫面的,會讓我聯想到類似「開車到某處,然後像夾娃娃機一樣把某人拎到車上」的感覺 😂,其實還滿好記的。 來看例句吧: Can you pick me up after leaving the office? 你下班後可以來接我嗎? I can pick you up at the airport if you like. 如果你想,我可以去機場接你。 My boyfriend will pick my brother up at the train station.

  10. 1. 用汽車搭載某人或接某人 I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock. 7點鐘我開車來接你。 He picked up a hitch-hiker. 他中途讓個搭便車的人上了車。 2. 【口】【貶】偶然結識某人 He picked up the girl at a college disco. 他在學校的迪斯科舞會上偶然結識了那姑娘。 She's...

  11. 2017年11月27日 · Pick up 主要意為「 (用手從某一表面) 拿起舉起 (人或物)」「 (用車子) 接載 (某人)」。 雖然 pick 和 pick up 都有「拿起,撿起」的意思,但含意不同 (Pick 和 pick up 的其他意思請參閱字典)。 Pick 意為「 (用手) 採、摘」。 例如: We spent the summer holiday picking strawberries. (我們這個暑假都在採草莓) (正) We spent the summer holiday picking up strawberries. (誤) John picked Mary a rose. (約翰摘了一朵玫瑰花給瑪麗) (正) = John picked a rose for Mary. (正)

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