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  1. provost

    • IPA[ˈprɒvəst]


    • n.
      the head of certain university colleges, especially at Oxford or Cambridge, and public schools.;a senior administrative officer in certain universities.
    • noun: provost, plural noun: provosts

    • 釋義


    • 1. British the head of certain university colleges, especially at Oxford or Cambridge, and public schools.
    • North American a senior administrative officer in certain universities.
    • 2. (in Scotland) the civic head of some regional Scottish councils, analogous to a mayor in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
    • 3. the head of a chapter in a cathedral.
    • the Protestant minister of the principal church of a town or district in Germany and certain other European countries.
    • historical the head of a Christian community.
    • 4. short for provost marshal
    • 5. historical the chief magistrate of a French or other European town.