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  1. plump

    • IPA[plʌmp]


    • v.
      set (something) down heavily or unceremoniously;sit down heavily and unceremoniously
    • n.
      an abrupt plunge; a heavy fall
    • adv.
      with a sudden or heavy fall;directly and bluntly
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    • 1. archaic an abrupt plunge; a heavy fall the wagon came into a deep hole, with such a plump


    • 1. informal with a sudden or heavy fall she sat down plump on the bed
    • 2. informal, dated directly and bluntly he must tell her plump and plain that he was on the dole
    • n.
      a heavy and sudden shower of rain accompanied by thunder and lightning: a very heavy thunder-plump in summer

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      decide definitely in favour of one of two or more possibilities

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      decide definitely in favor of one of two or more possibilities

    Oxford American Dictionary


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    • IPA[pləmp]


    • v.
      set (something) down heavily or unceremoniously: she plumped her bag on the table
    • n.
      an abrupt plunge; a heavy fall: the wagon came into a deep hole, with such a plump
    • adv.
      with a sudden or heavy fall: she sat down plump on the bed

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[pləmp]


    • adj.
      having a full rounded shape: the berries were plump and sweet
    • v.
      shake or pat (a cushion or pillow) to adjust its stuffing and make it rounded and soft: she plumped up her pillows I was running from the kitchen to the living room, plumping the cushions and getting drinks in place

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[plʌmp]


    • adj.
      having a full rounded shape: the berries were plump and sweet
    • v.
      shake or pat (a cushion or pillow) to adjust its stuffing and make it rounded and soft: she plumped up her pillows I was running from the kitchen to the living room, plumping the cushions and getting drinks in place

    Oxford Dictionary

    • IPA[pləmp]


    • n.
      a flock of wildfowl: a plump of ducks rose at the same time

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • IPA[plʌmp]


    • n.
      a flock of wildfowl: a plump of ducks rose at the same time

    Oxford Dictionary