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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. (使)整隊 They quickly lined up in the playground. 他們很快在操場上排好了隊。

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  2. www.line-up.twLine-Up

    超涼爽!春夏必備皺褶剪裁雪紡寬鬆短褲. NT $650. 超舒適! 莫代爾棉內搭背心裙 襯裙 連身裙. NT $298. 極簡素面暖色坑條襪. NT $139. 彩虹調色盤基礎百搭T恤. NT $299. 超舒適! 剪裁設計百摺奶奶褲哈倫褲 (休閒褲) NT $880. 創意天氣下雨閃電圖案襪. NT $49. 氣質鏤空蕾絲中筒襪. NT $99. 摩登普普風大圓點襪. NT $89. 女孩們專屬的選物店,提供歐美日韓質感女裝。 讓小資女也能享受大牌的穿搭設計感。 簡單又好逛的購物小天地- Line-up wears.

  3. LINE (SOMEONE) UP翻譯:排列,排隊;使(某人)排成行, 準備;組織;安排, 隊伍;陣容, (讓目擊者從中認出嫌疑犯的)辨認隊列, (棒球的)擊球順序。了解更多。

  4. line 當 動詞 有「形成一排」之意,而 line up 就是「排隊」的意思,是 🇺🇸 美式英文 最常見的說法。 要表示「為了…排隊」,可以用 line up for something 或 line up to V. ,來看看例句: What are those people lining up for? 那些人在排什麼啊? Please line up here to take the elevator. 請在這裡排隊搭電梯。 Could you tell me where I can line up? 你可以告訴我要在哪裡排隊嗎? Line up to the right. 排隊請靠右。

  5. line-up中文的意思、翻譯及用法:v. 排隊;排成行;安排(活動);排成直線n. 陣容,陣式;節目安排;全體參與人員;(指認)一排嫌疑犯(同 identification parade)。英漢詞典提供【line-up】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  6. to prepare, organize, or arrange something. 准备;组织;安排. Do you have anything exciting lined up for the weekend? 这个周末你有什么好安排吗? I've lined up a meeting with them for tomorrow morning. 我已经和他们约好明天上午见面。 [ + to infinitive ] Do you have anyone lined up to do the catering at the Christmas party? 你是否已经安排人承办圣诞晚会的饮食服务了? line-up. noun [ C ]

  7. lineup 在英語中的意思. noun [ C ] us uk / ˈlaɪn.ʌp / Add to word list. a group of people that has been brought together to form a team or take part in an event: Several important changes are expected in the lineup for Thursday's game. We've got a star-studded lineup of guests on tonight's show. Bryan Bulaga is back in the starting lineup for the Packers.

  8. 1. (使)整隊 They quickly lined up in the playground. 他們很快在操場上排好了隊。 更多解釋. line up. 美式. ph. (使)整隊 They quickly lined up in the playground. 他們很快在操場上排好了隊。 Dr.eye 譯典通. line up. vt. 使排成行; 使排成列 to be...

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