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  1. compromised

    • compromise的動詞過去式、過去分詞
    • 相關詞
    • n.
      妥協,和解[C][U][(+between)] I hope we shall come to a compromise. 我希望我們能達成妥協。
    • vt.
    • vi.
      妥協,讓步[(+on)] They found it wiser to compromise with her. 他們覺得與她妥協更明智。
    • compromise的名詞複數
    • n.
      妥協 to make or reach or come to a compromise 達成妥協 to agree to a compromise 同意達成妥協
    • vi.
      妥協 to compromise on sth. 在某事上作出讓步
    • vt.
      危及 she was much compromised by the gossip surrounding her divorce 關於她離婚的閒言碎語令她聲譽受到很大損害
    • 不妥協的


    • ph.
      與某人就某事達成妥協 They compromised with him on the issue. 他們在這一問題上與他達成妥協。
    • ph.
      與某人就某事達成妥協 They compromised with him on the issue. 他們在這一問題上與他達成妥協。
    • ph.
      與某人就某事達成妥協 They compromised with him over the issue. 他們在這一問題上與他達成妥協。
    • ph.
      與某人就某事達成妥協 They compromised with him on the issue. 他們在這一問題上與他達成妥協。
    • ph.
      與某人就某事達成妥協 They compromised with him over the issue. 他們在這一問題上與他達成妥協。