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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 為了...目的 He bought the land for the purpose of building on it. 他買這塊地的目的是在上面建造房子。

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  2. for the purpose of - 英中 – Linguee词典. 英语-中文 正在建设中. for the purpose of. 为了 () 不常见: 为的是. ·. 借以. 例子: (of parents) bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age — 养儿防老. use for the purpose of — 用作. enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information — 舌头. 查看更多用例 • 查看其他译文. 查看其他译文. © Linguee 词典, 2024. 外部资源 (未审查的)

  3. "for the purpose of" 意思. for the purpose of. 片語. "for the purpose of" 例句. This meeting has been called for the purpose of clarifying several important issues. For the purpose of improving security, the airport increased the number of guards. For the purpose of this discussion, gross revenue is a more important consideration than profits.

  4. for the purposes of - 英中 – Linguee词典. 英语-中文. 例子: (of parents) bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age — 养儿防老. enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information — 舌头. dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for the purpose of deceit — 乔装打扮. 查看更多用例 • 查看其他译文. 也可见: for the purpose of — 为的是. 查看其他译文.

  5. for the purpose of中文的意思、翻譯及用法:為了…目的。 英漢詞典提供【for the purpose of】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等 英 漢 詞 典

  6. 為目的. 為…之目的. 為了, 因.起見. "purpose" 中文翻譯 : n. 1.目的,宗旨,意向。 2.決意,意志,決心。 3 ... "for purpose of" 中文翻譯 : 出于目的; 為了……的目的; 為了……起見. "for this purpose" 中文翻譯 : 為了這個目的. "of purpose" 中文翻譯 : 故意的; 有意地. "on purpose" 中文翻譯 : 敵意,有意; 故意,特意; 故意,蓄意; 故意,有目的地; 故意,有意; 故意;意欲; 故意的; 故意地;有意地; 為了;故意地; 有意,故意地; 有意地,有目的地. "purpose" 中文翻譯 : n. 1.目的,宗旨,意向。 2.決意,意志,決心。 3.用途,效果;意義。 4.

  7. | Grammarist. | Usage. The wordy phrase for the purpose of can usually be shortened, often to just one word, usually to. For example, let’s shorten this sentence: Commercial shows are one-off projects put on for the purpose of making money. [ Chicago Tribune] Here’s one alternative: Commercial shows are one-off projects put on to make money.

  8. 片語. 1. 為了...目的 He bought the land for the purpose of building on it. 他買這塊地的目的是在上面建造房子。. 同義詞. 為了...目的. with the purpose of.

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