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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [mon]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 呻吟聲;嗚咽聲[C] Each time she moved her head she let out a moan. 她每轉動一下頭,就發出一聲呻吟。
    • 2. (風,樹等的)蕭蕭聲[U][S1]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 呻吟;嗚咽 The sick man moaned all night. 病人通夜呻吟。
    • 2. 發出蕭蕭聲 The wind came moaning through the trees. 風發著呼嘯聲穿過樹林。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 以呻吟聲說出 I'm so stiff I can't move, she moaned. 我渾身發僵,動彈不得,她呻吟著說。
    • 2. 悲歎,抱怨[+(that)] He is always moaning his luck. 他老是抱怨運氣不好。

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  2. 其他人也問了

  3. MOAN翻譯:聲音, 呻吟;嗚咽, 抱怨, 抱怨,發牢騷, 聲音, 呻吟聲;嗚咽聲, 抱怨, 抱怨,牢騷。了解更多。

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      moan翻譯:声音, 呻吟;呜咽, 抱怨, 抱怨,发牢骚, 声音, 呻 ...

  4. a long, low sound of pain, suffering, or another strong emotion. 呻吟声;呜咽声. We could hear the moans of someone trapped under the rubble. 我们可以听到被困在瓦砾下的人发出的呻吟声。 moans of ecstasy / agony 狂喜/痛苦的呻吟声. moan noun [C] (COMPLAINT) mainly UK informal disapproving. the act of complaining about something, or a complaint. 抱怨,牢骚.

  5. 在英文解释里: nark. 中文: 呻吟 - 悲鸣. 在单词列表中: Speaking and mouth verbs, 更多…… 同义词: groan, wail, cry, sob, keen, 更多…… 习惯性搭配: a moan of [frustration, despair, contempt], gave a long moan of [frustration], sexually explicit: let out a moan (of pleasure), 更多…… 标题中含有单词 'moan' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“moan”的讨论. a groan...moan or a whimper? - English Only forum.

  6. n. 名詞. 1. 呻吟聲;嗚咽聲 [C] Each time she moved her head she let out a moan. 她每轉動一下頭,就發出一聲呻吟。 2. (風,樹等的)蕭蕭聲 [U] [S1] 3. 【口】悲歎;不滿,發牢騷 [C] His constant moan is that no one understands him. 他老是抱怨沒有人理解他。...

  7. 英英词典. 全文检索. 英汉-汉英词典. vt. & vi. ;悲叹. 抱怨. n. 悲叹 ;(尤指风的)呼啸. 抱怨. 时 态: moaned,moaning,moans. 近义、反义、联想词. 近义词. n. utterance, vocalization. v. utter, emit, let out, let loose. 联想词. groan; whine 闹; scream 尖叫; complain 发牢骚; bitch 母狗,母狼; cry 叫喊; howl 怒吼; sob 啜泣,呜咽; cunt 女性阴部; giggle 傻笑; shout 呼喊; 英语例句库. 1. the moan of the wind in the chimneys. 烟囱里的萧萧风 。

  8. vt. 呻吟著說. 【醫】 呻吟. 來源(2): 英漢字典 [21c] moan . [ mon; moun ] 《名詞》 ⑴. ⓐ ( C) (痛苦、悲傷之) 呻吟 (聲) ⓑ [ the moan] (風、水等之) 呼嘯聲,瀟瀟聲,呻吟 [嗚咽] 似的聲音[ of ] ⑵. ( C )牢騷,怨言,不滿. 《不及物動詞》 ⑴. ⓐ 呻吟,哼. moan with pain . 因痛而呻吟. ⓑ <心>哀痛. ⑵. 抱怨[…之事],悲嘆,哀悼[ about ] He ' s always moaning about his exwife . 他經常在為他的前妻悲嘆. 《及物動詞》 ⑴. 悲嘆 <不幸等> ,悲悼,哀悼<死者> ⑵.