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    • 1. 褲子,寬鬆的長褲 This jacket will match those pants nicely. 這件夾克和那條褲子會十分相配。
    • 2. 【英】短褲;婦女用緊身短內褲(= underpants)

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  2. a piece of underwear covering the area between the waist and the tops of the legs. 內褲. A1 US (UK trousers) a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shaped parts, one for each leg, that are joined at the top. 褲子.

  3. Supreme 24SS UlTrasuede Mesh Short 短褲 黑色. NT$5,980. Supreme 24SS UlTrasuede Mesh Short 短褲 灰色. NT$5,680. Supreme 24SS Small Box Mesh Short 小Logo 網狀球褲... NT$4,980. Chinatown Market Money Arc Basketball Shorts 鈔票 球褲... NT$2,980. Needles x Beams Nylon Track Pants 別注款 風褲 大蝴蝶電...

  4. The suitability of pants or pads and absorbent bed sheets is dependent upon the client's mobility and independence. In bonobos, peep sequences are among the most important vocalizations, and croaks, muffled barks, and panting laughs are used mainly by young individuals.

  5. 你想找的網路人氣推薦pants商品就在蝦皮購物!買pants立即上蝦皮台灣商品專區享超低折扣優惠與運費補助,搭配賣家評價安心網購超簡單!

  6. 2020年9月11日 · 首先想認識潮流界的 Chef Pants我們就得故事回朔到廚房裡。. 「Chef Pants 主廚褲」顧名思義是餐廳主廚穿的褲子,從紋路、到版型、甚至是材質,都是為廚師們在工作上的方便而設計。. 我們現在穿的 Chef Pants 上很多印有的雙色相間條紋、花紋、或是格 ...

  7. The Pants有件褲子. 訂單查詢. 會員專區. 我的收藏. 我的優惠券. 會員登入/註冊. 0. 購物車內目前沒有商品. 來自彰化縣福興鄉,延續30年的打版製作經驗,致力於讓不同身型的你,都能找到任何時候、任何場合,都可以舒適穿的好褲子。.

  8. a piece of underwear covering the area between the waist and the tops of the legs. A1 US (UK trousers) a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shaped parts, one for each leg, that are joined at the top: a pair of pants.

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