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  1. Request 當動詞的用法. request 當動詞時表示「請求、要求」,比起 ask for 更為正式、禮貌,在 email 等工作場合更為常見。 用法上主要有三種,以下一一介紹 🤓~ 1. request something (from someone) (向某人)請求某事物. request 後面直接加名詞,即你想要請求的事物。 I’d like to request a refund. 我想要申請退款。 Fred requested assistance from his roommates. Fred 向室友請求協助。

  2. 大量翻译例句关于"requested date" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 為方便事務委員會就條例是否適用於國家機關一事考慮如何 繼續審議有關的待議事項,委員要 求政 府當 局提 供資料,闡述以下事 項的最新情況

  3. 2019年8月6日 · request 中文意思是請求的意思,通常用在你要徵得某個權利、許可..等,大部分是下對上的請求關係,例如下屬對老闆請求。 例:We requested that the next meeting be held on a Monday. 我們請求下一次會議星期一舉行。 例:He requested permission to speak. 他請求說話許可。 3.require 要求、需要. require 通常是要求某個需求,而且通常是必須的,少了某樣東西不行的意思。 例:He requires medical care. 他要求健保。 例:I require more than that. 我要求更多。 4.demand 要求.

  4. 2014年10月2日 · Short answer: request date. You can see the request date in the rightmost column. request date = the date on which the request was made. requested date = the date someone asked about, for instance, if there is a request to send the date of birth of some person, you can respond this way:

  5. Request date: Searches requests submitted on the specified date. 申 请 日期 :对指定的日期所提交的申 请 数据 进 行 搜索 。

  6. the act of politely or officially asking for something. (禮貌、正式的)要求,請求. They received hundreds of requests for more information. 數以百計的人要求他們提供更多的資訊。 [ + to infinitive ] The boss refused our request to leave work early. 老闆拒絕了我們早下班的請求。 The clause was added to the contract at Carlos's request (= because Carlos asked for this). 這一條款是在卡洛斯的要求下添加到合同中的。

  7. requested date | English examples in context | Ludwig. Sentence examples for requested date from inspiring English sources. AI Feedback. "requested date" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you are asking someone to provide a specific date for an event or deadline.