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  1. 2019年7月17日 · 經常有人這樣寫: Please kindly share your opinion. Please kindly consider my suggestion. Please kindly let me know if you are available. 我絕對明白爲何人人都愛用「please kindly」,因爲這句話聼起來好像很有禮貌、很客氣。 這句在文法上雖沒有問題,很可惜在修辭和意思兩方面均有很大問題。 先論修辭,「please kindly」這句話其實是多餘的,皆因「please」和「kindly」兩字均有「謝謝」、「請」的意思,換句話說「please kindly」其實把「謝謝」和 「請」說了兩次。

  2. 2017年5月11日 · 如果你想指出別人的錯誤時,最好用比較不直接的方式繞一個彎說,千萬別說「No, You are wrong.」(你錯了),不妨換句話說:「I think you might be mistaken. 」或者是「I’m afraid I disagree. 」 (抱歉我不同意你的看法) #用good取代bad. “這是個不好的想法”你會怎麼翻譯? 如果你也是翻譯成“That’s a bad idea”,其實沒有錯,但是聽起來就會讓人心情變差,下次就用「I’m not so sure that’s a good idea 」(我不確定那是不是一個好的做法) 吧! #別說I don’t like.

  3. 2024年3月20日 · Both "kind understanding" and "kindly understanding" are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. "Kind understanding" refers to a compassionate and sympathetic comprehension, while "kindly understanding" implies a gentle and considerate

  4. 2017年5月10日 · 但有時候 kindly 是雙面刃,可以表達出不滿的意涵,例如: Would you kindly give me a minute alone?(可以請你讓我一個人靜一下嗎? 因此若是怕有誤會空間,用 please 就萬無一失啦! 更多有禮說法. 想要有禮地提出請求,其實不用 please 或 kindly 也能行得通喔! 可以多多運用以下句型: I was wondering if you would be willing to....(我在想您是否願意...) I was wondering if you would/could...(我在想您是否願意/可以...) If you don't mind, could you...?(如果您不介意,可以請您...嗎?

  5. 1. The New Yorker. Sadleir, writing in the 1950s, suggests that "the most real Walpole of all because the most unselfconscious, kindly, and understanding friend is the Walpole of the Jeremy trilogy". 2. Wikipedia. Please kindly understand.... Adam Liu. 3. Vice.

  6. © Linguee Dictionary, 2024. External sources (not reviewed) Many translated example sentences containing "please kindly understand" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.

  7. 1. Huffington Post. Please kindly respect this policy". 2. The New Yorker. Please, kindly help me to answer these two questions. 3. Stanford University. Please kindly send me an answer and notice of when you are coming to Berlin. 4. Princeton University. Please kindly leave the door to both classrooms open if you are not in a discussion or meeting.