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    • 1. deficiency的名詞複數

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  2. C1. a state of not having, or not having enough, of something that is needed. 不足,缺乏,缺少. Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency. 孕婦常常缺鐵。. Deficiencies in the education system have been much in the news. 新聞媒體對教育體制的種種不足進行了大量的報道。. 同義詞. lack of something.

  3. DEFICIENCY翻译:不足,缺乏,缺少。了解更多。 Altogether these observations of differential toxicity of oxygen for drug-resistant and susceptible trichomonads indicate deficiencies in oxygen defence systems of the metronidazole-resistant trichomonads.

  4. C1. the state of not having, or not having enough, of something that is needed: Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency. deficiency in The blood tests revealed a deficiency in certain key minerals and vitamins. 同義詞.

  5. 缺陷,缺點[U][C] The deficiencies in this plan are clear. 這一計畫的缺陷是顯而易見的。 deficiencies deficiency的名詞複數 Dr.eye 譯典通 leptin deficiency ph. 【醫】纖瘦素 Dr.eye 譯典通片語 skill deficiency n. 技能不足(企業組織中員工欠缺執行今日組織中多種 ...

  6. 展开全部. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供deficiencies的中文意思,deficiencies的用法讲解,deficiencies的读音,deficiencies的同义词,deficiencies的反义词,deficiencies的例句等英语服务。.

  7. 名詞. 不足, 缺乏. "deficiency" 例句. Vitamin A deficiency affects millions of children worldwide. 全世界有數百萬位兒童缺乏維生素A。. Teenagers often experience sleep deficiency due to late-night studying and early school starts. After we identify our deficiencies, we can start planning a strategy for improvement.

  8. deficiency. n. the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. "water is the critical deficiency in desert regions". 同义词:lackwant. lack of an adequate quantity or number. 同义词:insufficiencyinadequacy.

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