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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [lus]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 鬆的,寬的;鬆散的 She wore loose garments in the summer. 她在夏天穿寬鬆的衣服。
    • 2. 未予束縛的;未控制的[F] The dog ran loose on the street. 這狗在街上到處亂跑。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 解開(結等) She helped the child loose the laces of his shoes. 她幫孩子解開鞋帶。
    • 2. 放(槍);射(箭)[(+off)]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 變鬆;鬆開
    • 2. 放射;開火[(+at)] He loosed off at the deer. 他向那隻鹿射擊。

    ad. 副詞

    • 1. 鬆鬆地;鬆散地
    • 2. 不嚴格地

    n.[U] 不可數名詞

    • 1. (箭的)放射
    • 2. 放縱

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  2. not firmly held or fastened in place. 鬆的,鬆動的. There were some loose wires hanging out of the wall. 牆上搭著幾根沒有接好的電線。. The nails in the wall had worked them selves loose. 橋上的釘子已經鬆動了。. The prisoners were so thin that their skin hung loose. 囚犯們瘦得很厲害,身上的皮膚都鬆 ...

  3. adj. 形容詞. 1. 鬆的,寬的;鬆散的 She wore loose garments in the summer. 她在夏天穿寬鬆的衣服。. 2. 未予束縛的;未控制的 [F] The dog ran loose on the street. 這狗在街上到處亂跑。. 3.

  4. LOSE翻譯:不再有, 丟失,遺失, 失去, 失去,喪失(某種感覺), 失去,損失,減少, 浪費(時間), (鐘錶)走慢,變慢, 放棄;甩掉;擺脫, 被打敗, 輸掉(比賽);敗北,失利。了解

  5. not firmly held or fastened in place. 松的,松动的. There were some loose wires hanging out of the wall. 墙上搭着几根没有接好的电线。. The nails in the wall had worked them selves loose. 桥上的钉子已经松动了。. The prisoners were so thin that their skin hung loose. 囚犯们瘦得很厉害,身上的皮肤都松 ...

  6. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供loose的中文意思,loose的用法讲解,loose的读音,loose的同义词,loose的反义词,loose的例句等英语服务。.

  7. 形容词 [usually ADJECTIVE noun] A loose grouping, arrangement, or organization is flexible rather than strictly controlled or organized. Murray and Alison came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home. He wants a loose coalition of left wing forces. 同义词: vague, random, inaccurate, disordered loose 的更多同义词.

  8. loose adv 1: without restraint; "cows in India are running loose" [syn: {loose}, {free}] adj 1: not compact or dense in structure or arrangement; "loose gravel" [ant: {compact}] 2: (of a ball in sport) not in the possession or control of any player; "a loose

  9. Not tight or close; as, a loose garment. 4. Not dense, close, compact, or crowded; as, a cloth of loose texture. With horse and chariots ranked in loose array. --Milton. 5. Not precise or exact; vague; indeterminate; as, a loose style, or way of reasoning.

  10. You can call an unpredictable and dangerous person or thing a "loose cannon." 你可以稱呼一個難以預測且危險的人事物是「loose cannon」。. 瀏覽教材. This meant that if a cannon was loose — meaning not held in place — it could move unpredictably and cause damage. 意思是如果大砲鬆動了——也就是沒有 ...

  11. 1.松的,寬的,松散的。. a cloth of loose texture 稀松 (不緊實的)織物。. loose clothing 寬大的衣服。. a loose knot 松的結。. 2.松開的,沒加束縛的,自由的。. a loose criminal 在逃罪犯。. a horse loose of its tether 沒有系住的馬。. the loose end of a string 繩子松開的一端。. 3.模糊 ...

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